doctor who; the invitation

Jun 20, 2007 13:40

The Invitation, by uktechgirl.
PG. Ten, Rose, Martha.
Spoilers: Smith and Jones
So who exactly was it that asked Martha to join the Ten ‘n’ Rose TARDIS team?

‘Remind me - ’ said Martha.
Blue light fought through smog, as the console wheezed and groaned.
‘ - next time some weird alien bloke - ’ said Martha.
The floor dropped again from underneath their feet.
‘ - invites me to come with him - ’ said Martha.
The console room spun, lurched, flipped in a whirl of arms and legs and pointy elbows.
' - to say no?’ said Martha, as the TARDIS finally came to rest. The arms and legs and pointy elbows lay jumbled like doll parts, rejected from the factory.
‘Oh, don’t say that,’ said Rose, her tousled blonde head emerging from underneath a white coat. ‘He’d only come back to ask you again, trust me.’
‘Excusez-moi, Mesdames,’ came a voice, accompanied by a crossly waggled red Converse. ‘I think you’ll find that it wasn’t me doing the inviting.’

ten, doctor who, martha, rose

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