Jan 02, 2009 14:27
Incredible school rant alert: Last week I decided that if I can't reacquire the grant I lost from Marquette b/c of my drop in GPA, I'll transfer to Madison in the fall - b/c sure I'm getting a good education at Marquette, but b/c I have to work two jobs to pay for it, my grades totally suck and that sort of defeats the purpose. If I went to a state school, the government would pay for most if not all of it (being poor and smart is sometimes awesome) and I'd get a comparable education if I went to UW.
So I've done some research, and UW actually offers a major in food science, as opposed to Marquette where I'd have to get a general chem degree and then figure out how to apply that knowledge to foods. Also I've talked to my best friend from high school, who goes to UW, about this, and he's more than willing to get an apartment w/ me if I get in. So I've completed most of the application; all that's left is to tell them why they should take me and why I had a 3.8 GPA for five years and suddenly I have a 2.8, and list my extracurricular activities for the last six years.
Now I have to create a new schedule for myself at Marquette b/c the classes I'm taking for their chem degree aren't the same as what UW requires for its food science major. WHICH MEANS I can totally drop calc-based physics and take something more relevant. I have to wait until Monday though, so I can call a UW adviser and have some burning questions answered.
YES I am trying to go to my third different school in three years. And YES I will be the first to tell you that transferring schools doesn't actually solve any of your problems; it just replaces them w/ new ones. And YES it will probably take me six years to graduate since I have to start fresh in a new major. But this really feels right to me I guess. So keep your fingers crossed that I get in, and that I actually like it enough to stick around for more than two semesters.
schooly mcschoolerton