A few people on my flist are fangirling out about this show, and about 90% of my friendsfriends page is all merlin_icons and merlin screencaps and merlin/arthur slashfic so it seems the time is finally right for me to join the fandom of a show that is not either already over or doomed to being canceled in the next season [eta: and has just been renewed for a second season!].
-Wow Giles for a former Watcher you are being a pretty big dick about magic here. What would Willow think? (PS since when do you go by Anthony Head? I miss the Stewart D:)
-Oooh I always love the old crone speaking reason (a la
the ancient booer from the princess bride).
-The more I watch this the more I realize that Merlin looks exactly like a cousin of mine. D: This severely impedes my lusting after him.
-OH SHIT LIFE-SAVING MAGIC THIS IS AWESOME. Plus dude has got some serious peepers. I think they chose him for the role based on his
scrumptious blue eyes [shitty screencap by yours truly].
-Yay barmy old codger mentor figure! I didn't realize this show is aired on BBC, and it is like battle of the sexy accents up in this piece. Squeee
-Wowzers Morgan le Fey's eyebrows are fierce. That's... that's really all I can say.
-Old-school british traveling encampments always bother me. For some reason I do not like the idea of sixty candles providing the light inside a fucking gossamer tent. Here is a hint, people in the past: If it is dark go to sleep, at least until somebody invents the lightbulb. That is how not to die in a blazing inferno.
-The finest singer in the land looks creepily like Helena Bonham-Carter to me. I keep waiting for her to pine after Ewan MacGregor or sing about meat pies or pop about Tim Burton's babies.
-Ugh all the tent stuff with the creepy creature lurking in the darkness reminds me of Supernatural 1x02. Are wendigos indigenous to medieval britain?
-The ugly crone casts a spell to make herself resemble the finest singer in the land, but for some reason mirrors still reflect her nasty face? I think that is a flaw worthy of fixing, magic style.
-I must have replayed Gaius' unsubtle push of the water bucket four times. Yay for
partially frozen screens, be still my geeky heart.
-Oh no prince arthur is a douchebag! I smell a conflict! Although the old school carnival music in the background of him playing peasant-target-practice amuses me greatly.
-"I'd never have a friend who could be such an arse." MERLIN MOUTHING OFF TO THE ONCE AND FUTURE KING OH MAN
-Oh gee I wonder if the creepy deep voice that keeps waking Merlin up is the great dragon? Here is a hint screenwriters: Do not place at the end of the credits: "John Hurt as the crazy disembodied voice of the great dragon."
-Wait a second Guenevere is BLACK?! My vaguely medieval european sensibilities are offended!
-Are Merlin and Guen going to be BFFs or love interests? I'm waiting for Lance to show up and form a wacky love parallelogram.
-High heels: the enemy of women's stealth
-Maybe this is my inappropriate crush on Michael J Fox talking, but Merlin and Marty McFly are totally brothers in arms. Nobody calls him chicken!
-Oh my god who fights w/ a morning star in an impromptu street fight? I cry murder!
-"There's something about you Merlin. [rueful head shake] I can't quite put my finger on it." THE SLASH WRITES ITSELF.
-"Merlin. Sit up, take your shirt off." These guys waste no time getting to the fanservice, do they? I LOVE it. I think Rodney McKay has ruined me but there is just something wonderful about a pale shirtless guy - the expanse of creamy skin, the way they look so vulnerable. There is something wrong w/ me.
-Wait is that a wee bit of
chest hair? Merlin is a MAN!
-I'm so weirded out by the ancient booer-slash-finest singer in the land talking to Uther. "Perhaps if you found someone? If you remarried? I'm sure you'd have your pick of any lady in the kingdom." Um no shit girl. He's the KING. He can force women to love him if he wants. You don't fuck w/ uther pendragon.
-Oh my goodness did Merlin just stop-frame-animagic a blanket onto Gaius? And then smile a secretly satisfied
smile about it? I am so smitten.
-Incompetent imperial stormtroopers royal guards! It is so hard to find good help in fictional empires.
-I think if I were new in town, the first place I'd go would not be down into the catacombs of the castle w/ only my trusty torch as company. Perhaps the fundamental difference b/n Merlin and me.
-Oh this
dragon is adorable w/ his huge head and dainty wings. Maybe not quite my
usual dragon but I like him quite a bit.
-Maybe Merlin is actually George McFly's doppelganger, what w/ his great density and all.
-Oh god is Merlin really impersonating Guen right now. I loves me some three's-company-style wacky misunderstandings.
-I'm inclined not to like Morgan le Fey b/c of, you know, the whole incestuous bastard son and bringing about the destruction of Camelot thing, but I do like a girl who isn't blinded by Arthur's (very very) good looks (as well as a girl who rocks the big eyebrows). Obviously she was written to appeal to modern women but I am a sucker so I dig her anyway.
-This random redshirt servant girl has the most
epic hair I've ever seen, on an even keel w/ Angela from the office.
-Guen basically breaks land-speed records for awkwardness every time she opens her mouth. I am in love w/ her.
-Merlin saves Arthur's life and in return he is saddled w/ the duty of being his body servant? I'm not sure Uther understands the difference b/n reward and horrible punishment.
-"I knew it from the moment I met you." I really don't want to see a gauisxmerlin community spring up but considering all the harry/dumbledore that's been written over the years I fear it's impossible to avoid.
Okay so this episode was presented primarily as exposition but it was done in an engaging way w/ well-written characters. I am quite excited to mainline the next 12 episodes.