A little uranium? Always comes in handy.

Oct 06, 2010 22:47

Anyone else watching the new Nikita? I just marathoned the first four episodes and can't wait 'til the next one -- I apparently really love a girl with a gun and highly choreographed fights. I get that people who loved Peta Wilson's La Femme Nikita aren't quite as happy with this incarnation, fortunately I haven't see enough of LFN (nor did I retain enough of what I saw) to compare so I'm loving the Maggie Q version.

Unfortunately I have retained enough LFN memories so that I'm still a little thrown that Michael is not Roy Dupuis and Birkoff is not Matthew Ferguson. I'm slowly getting used to Pyro as Birkoff, but I'm still having trouble seeing Shane West as an adult. (His entire run on ER, I was waiting for someone in County General to realize they hired a teenager.) Also slightly thrown that the head of Section Division is now called Percy. (Although, every time he's on screen, I think "George Mason!" Which just goes to show how much I waste my grey matter -- I manage to associate an actor with a role that I haven't actually seen him in!)

What I'm not quite loving are the three teen recruits we're following in Division. Alex became slightly more interesting in the final minutes of the premiere, but four episodes in and I didn't even realize that Thom had a name until I went looking for the LJ fandom and was all, "Thom? Who's that?"

And as always, some begging on LJ to the show: if you're going to have more flashbacks to Nikita's time in Division (where I feel the wigs oddly age Maggie and Shane) I want some snarking between Nikki and the Nerd. Thank you.

tv: nikita

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