So I had the brilliant idea of saving The Nemonite Invasion for after The End of Time so I'd have one last Ten and Donna adventure to look forward to that wasn't going to end with the two being forever separated by regeneration and whatever fate befell Donna.
I was a bit disappointed by Beautiful Chaos after The Doctor Trap and Shining Darkness and so was a bit wary about how The Nemonite Invasion could possibly live up to The Forever Trap (which is my favorite non-episodic Doctor & Donna adventure). Then I figured, "Donna and the Doctor don't even interact in their last episode. This by default has to be better."
Not quite. It was surprisingly depressing. Almost every dies and Donna's B-plot reminded me of her B-plot from Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead with less virtual worlds and more actual death.
On other ramble-y DW-related notes, I recently re-read The Doctor Trap to kill time and am still improbably in love with it. It's hilarious! In one sentence the author makes the Doctor sound like an overgrown Keebler elf and in the next he has Donna thinking that the Doctor is the second most handsome man in the universe.
Also, played the Top Trumps DS game and there's something wrong when the Doctor has one of the more useless special abilities when playing by Adventure rules. Maybe it's handy for multi-player? Playing as a Dalek is way more fun (especially against the Doctor) and useful. Also, Joan Redfern, why are you less intelligent than the Sonic Screwdriver!?