More pictures from a warm November in Germany...

Nov 03, 2011 16:18

As are more pictures from our wonderful warm November days.

Let the sunshine in..... )

pictures, holidays

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beagle_agent November 7 2011, 17:14:04 UTC
Wow..all the Petra's and Astrid's.. Is that a very common name in Germany, hon'?
Astrid....not that common, as it is a scandinvian name. In my generation are some, but not that much, the more north you live in the country the more common it is (remember THAT Astrid in Hamburg)
Petra....yes. At least in my generation or earlier. Just some minutes ago my daughter wanted to visit a belly-dance course for the second time and when I asked her what the name of the teacher is she said...PETRA. Two of her teachers at school have that first name and the mother of her best friend (the girl we visited last week at the hotel) has the same name, also a waitress in the restaurant. See...very comon LOL. That is one reason WHY our friendship started years many Petra's!
She was a penpal....when I was at school I had lots of penpals all over the world....(not always funny, two guys from Bangladesh and Iran wanted to marry me!) but I wanted some more so I put a request in a Youth-Magazine. She sent me a letter, telling me that she does not meet my request totally as she is one year younger than me, but that she also wants to be a journalist later (that was my aim when I left school and I even worked for a short time as a journalist during my university years...) I wrote back and we established a good friendship, nothing deep, but nice. Then I went to university and she followed a year later, choosing the same university and the same subjects (English and German)as me. The reason why she took the same subjects: we both love everythiong dealing with the saga about King Arthur and his knights. That was the reason why we both took these subject: you can read a lot about Arthur and his knights in both languages, especially in Middle German (that is about the 13th century....bit different to read and speak though). We met for the first time.....and I thought that she is boring. She thought that I am way ahead, having studied for a year already and being free from home. We exchanged telephone numbers...and that was it.
About a year later I wanted to call someone to ask wether she can take me home at the weekend (we often shared cars)....that girl was called Petra. A different Petra....and yet she wasn't the only Petra on my telephone list. There were five Petra' was MY Petra, the others were random friends. The girl I wanted to call had a similar phone number than my soulmate.....and I called Speedy accidently instead. We talked for about an hour...and decided to meet once again....and that was the start. We did a lot together, taking courses, going out....but she really became my soulmate when she was going through some very bad experiences....and I was at her side. She realized than apparently that we have a very deep connection and in fact although she is living miles away in another city and has a little family of her own we often feel if the other one feels bad. It happened more than once that we both had the same haircut, same haircolour although we did not speak about that beforehand! We telephone at least once every week and meet for a girl's weekend once a year in our town where we studied....stay in a hotel, go shopping and go out in the evening.

I hope to one day have a best friend, too.
Don't worry, I am sure you will *hugs*. You won't expect her....she is there suddenly.



cozyjo November 29 2011, 00:42:20 UTC
Ah, so two penpal guys wanted to marry you?? xD How cool! Ba-haa!! ;)

..and you thought your friend was boring when you first met her..LOL!! Too funny!..but you obviously hit it off.

Lots of Petra's in your country, indeed! and your soulmate friend have a lot in common..studying the same courses, going to the same University..and then meeting up again and really connecting. And it's true..through bad times you come to really know if the person who is your friend is more than just a friend, but someone you can rely upon and someone who really "gets" you. It's easy to be a friend to someone when things are going well for them. The "real", true friends stick around during the bad times and help their mates through things.

..and thank you, Astrid. *hugs* I sometimes mistakenly come to think I have best friends in certain people..whether in "real life" or online, and I find out, eventually, much to my disappointment, that they don't feel the same way..and it's a very painful "journey" to have to take..and I have to accept it and let it go. And that's life, innit? I had a best friend in my cousin..for years..till she screwed me over (very long story)..and dropped me like a bomb from her life (another long story) you go. I don't have much faith, anymore, in this best friend/soulmate stuff. :/


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