Some pictures from today...

Oct 31, 2011 16:08

Having seen all those snow pictures in some journals I promised to show how the weather is in Germany at the moment. Actually I am on holidays in a small town in the Eifel, that is near Cologne/Aachen/the border to Belgium. If you want to google it: Schmidt or Nideggen would be the town you have to look for....
Today the weather is absolutely fine, sunny, 18 degrees Celsius....a late summer's day yet it is the last day of October. Well, we had no real summer this summer so it makes up for it.
We took a walk with our Beagle Lucy and here are some pictures I took....

The clouds in the distance, that is Cologne.

Some houses of our place, in the distance you see other small towns.

Hubby and Lucy ....looking for something to roll in. Well, Lucy does, hubby wants to stop her! The bergfried in the distance is Burg Nideggen.

Wild camomile growing on a still green meadow.....

This is a skull I found somewhere between the trees...not sure which sort of animal it has been, a bit scary, isn't it?

The weather forecast for the next days is good, hopefully we will have some more sunny days here before cold and gray November takes over. I remember that in my childhood November 1st was always cold, sometimes even snow, sometimes foggy. But this is more like late September for me....


pictures, holidays

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