Mar 16, 2009 01:34
There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day for Sunday and Monday. We worked on decorations for Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday 25th yr on Saturday until midnight or so. I was at work by 7:15am. Okay, so I was supposed to be there at 7. I stayed late. The Canton meeting was after work. We went to dinner with the group and then came home to dye Mandie's hair. (dark brown.) The hair dye has set my asthma off so I have been hanging out on the sofa wheezing and wishing for sleep. Monday I work at 7 am and then we are working on hall decorations again Monday night. At least Tuesday morning I should get some sleep. I would get so much more done if I didn't have to sleep at least a little.
I also got a bit more done on the recipe booklet that will be available at Baronial birthday (for a donation as a fundraiser). And the program for the event is mostly done.
I was talking tonight about who all would be helping in the kitchen and everyone was excited that the Roz that I mentioned was Mistress Rosalind....THAT Roz...the bard..."awesome!" The current kitchen crew should be a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to it. Its all about fun.
We got some scribal stuff done tonight. I need to clean out my pens before I can use them again. The baronial badges are changing again, just when I was almost done with the scribes handbook for the barony. I don't even want to think about all of those changes right now.
I'm going to go re-read Linda Howard's Mackenzie series. I found the two trade paperbacks with the reprints from the original series at goodwill the other day. I love goodwill.