October Simsperiments

Oct 27, 2010 13:55

Here is my entry for the pixel_trade  October 2010 Simsperiments Generations Challenge.

I picked my founders out of a hat so there's not tons of genetic diversity here... Oh well, maybe I'll make a second entry at some point.

All downloads are CC free except for skintone.  I use my own scale for genetisization so please use clean installer if you do not want the genetisized skins in your game.

Our first lovely set of October founders includes Windy bygoldencell  and Jonah by upendoaushi  who produced a handsome elf-eared son named Wolverine

>>Download Wolverine<<

Wolverine hooked up with Opal by jens_sims  and they had another son named Nightcrawler (who is unfortunately not blue)

>>Download Nightcrawler<<

Nightcrawler got together with Octavia by sounseelie .  They produced the first girl of the chal

>>Download Polaris<<

Polaris got fixed up with Abileen by fivesims and had another elf-eared spawn named Beast

>>Download Beast<<

Beast and Chandra by rhiannon_alexis got together and gave birth to the second girl of the challenge, named Mystique (also not blue)

>>Download Mystique<<

Lucky Mystique gets our final pixel_trade sim, Scotty by lil_pixiedevil The final product of our little challenge (and perhaps my favorite) is Gambit

>>Download Gambit<<

Please do not re-upload or claim as your own.  Enjoy!

pixel_trade, !download: sims

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