Showed up to post the meme and so I hadn't posted in a few weeks.
Couple of weeks ago, the Buck's had a cook-out/fund-raiser at the Eagle. It was fun, lots of food remained. I prepared both a veggie and a dessert. The veggie was Endive with Blue Cheese, the dessert was a Chocolate Bread Pudding made with Krispy Kreme doughnuts with a buttered rum sauce and an Irish creme sauce.
The Buck's are 3-1 so far this season with 3 games to go. We've beat the other 2 gay local teams, Charlotte Royals once and the Nashville Grizzlies twice. The remaining games are with High Country (local straight team), the Charlotte Royals, and then ther Phoenix Suns. All the games are here, we had to pull out of the San Francisco match because we didn't have enough players who could commit to playing out there.
Been going to Trivia every week, last week we sucked "great big syphillatic elephant dicks" as
Atlversaguy said last night (10.15) as we were playing trivia with
Huffdaddyatl at F.R.O.G.S. We sort of redeemed ourselves last night and came in third out of eight. As of right now, we are in the finals though the tournament is being held at 3pm on the 26th of this month and we have tickets to see Wicked at 7pm that night. The breeders we have on the team are in the process of putting together a team to take the place of me, Aaron and John.
Went home last weekend and took a couple of days off from work so the trip wouldn't be so hectic. There was a NASCAR race in Charlotte this weekend and I didn't want to be fighting the traffic going through Charlotte both ways so I left after trivia last wednesday night and then drove back on monday.
This weekend the Buck's are trying to finish up the photographs to be used in the calendar for 2009. Hopefully the weather will be nice for outside pictures to be taken, then afterwards it's the annual Little 5-Points Hallowe'en Parade. A group of the Bucks will be going so we may decide to eat afterwards and Saturday is also barnight for the Bucks at the Eagle, so I'll most likely go just in case I need to tend bar again.
Work-wise, I'll be working a catalogue of all the products we offer, trying to plump-up the numbers of pages and work it so that we can hve lots of them printed to use for many years and then only have the price list updated every year on fewer pages and on a different paper. Was told yesterday (10.15) I needed to create an insert to be included in the corporate calendar. Was told I would be working with one of my super-religious co-workers on the project. She got very defensive about me working with her on it. She said that she wanted to do the insert and that it was her's. She was told that she could design it but I was going to have to deliver it to the printer in a file the printer could work with. I guess she thought they would take the page from her and photocopy it "as is", instead of formatting it to be printed. At least I don't have to create the calendar as well. Met with the owner's daughter yesterday as well. She comes from an operations background and will mainly working with the sales reps we use and with me to create an over-all cohesive look for the company.
I've got my Hallowe'en costume set for this year - Super Mario Batali Brother, just need to pick-up a ginger wig and a pair of bibbed overalls. Going to go to Aaron's for tricks-or-treaters then around 10 or so, we'll head over to the Eagle for the Buck's Hallowe'en party.