Dream Report!

Apr 10, 2013 08:32

1. One of you lovely peeps had emergency heart surgery, and many friends were waiting behind a curtain in the operating room. When we were allowed to visit, the curtain was drawn back and the patient was there, dressed in street clothes, festooned with the regular monitors and IVs.

"Oh thank God," her mother said, "we can go to yoga."

"She just had HEART SURGERY," I said.

The mom gestured impatiently; "But she's DRESSED!"

2. Tony Stark was enumerating his various attributes as a suitor. "Genius, billionaire philanthropist, no longer a playboy, privatized world peace, invented a clean energy source and I made this teeny tiny robot that cracks nuts."

Sure enough, he'd made a four-inch-tall teeny tiny Iron Man who would select a nut for you, fire his teeny tiny repulsors at it, and if that didn't completely crack it, would pick it up and bash it against the coffee table. Then it would brush away the shells and fly you the completed cracked nut.

"Incredibly charming," I said. "I'd be sold."

Tony did a double fist pump of victory. "Great! I just gotta get this wrapped."

The teeny tiny robot was flying me another walnut, and I curled my hand around it protectively, keeping it close. "Noooooo, my teeny robot, mine."


"Miiiiiiiine. No. I love him."

The teeny tiny robot turned in mid air and pointed his hand repulsors at Tony, ready to fire.

"Dammit," said Tony.


ETA: TEENY TINY ROBOT, EEEEE. He makes me so happy. I have smiled about him all day.m his tiny repulsor noises are SO CUTE.

dream report, dreams

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