Oct 09, 2008 00:09
I think that there should be a mission where the guys have to have aliases and Ronon blurts out "Han Solo" immediately, much to the consternation of one J. Sheppard, Lt.C. USAF.
Maybe he should have laid off calling Ronon "Chewie," so much. Damn.
Teyla smoothly introduces herself as Leia Organa and John's lip juts out because if he calls himself Obi-Wan, Rodney will be trilling, "Help me Obi-Wan, you're my only hope!" ALL DAY and Rodney'd also be left with only Anakin or C-3PO or Boba Fett or God help them all, Jar-Jar and all the other bad guys and lobster-looking good guys and they would all die slow horrible deaths later if not immediately from Rodney's fury. (He also dismisses Wedge Antilles out of hand because come on, Wedge. Who named their kid Wedge? Also, it's just inviting trouble.)
If John says Marty McFly, he'll ever hear the end of it, same with James Bond (who he never really *got* until this last movie) and he's NOT playing into Rodney's Kirkian juggernaut and just as things get awkward, John blurts out the last time somebody called him something nice. "Arthur," he says firmly, and puts his hands on his hips in case anyone wants to question him about that. He forgets he has to come up with a last name and almost calls himself "Arthur Treacher's Fish and Chips," because he's all about the impulse today, seemingly.
Rodney catches John's stalling out. "Yes," Rodney flusters, "our team leader, C-Mr. Arthur Dent. I'm Dr. Ford Prefect."
John nearly chokes on his own spit and rolls his eyes at the "doctor," part.
Later he says, "Arthur DENT?" as they're tromping through a swamp. "I'm not an Arthur Dent. I'm not the one who runs around the halls in his bathrobe."
Rodney doesn't even rise to the bait. "I was thinking more along the lines of The Great Sandwich Maker Arthur Dent." He casts John a sideways look. "You have been known to make a tasty sandwich when properly motivated."
"Well," John drawls, pleased. "I still wish I'd come up with something cooler."
"You blurted out Arthur! Where else could I go? Why on earth did you?" Rodney broke off and looked at John sharply. "Arthur?" he whispered.
John shrugged, fighting not to look over. "Arthur's a hoopy enough frood."
"42." Rodney agreed firmly.
OMG I'm such a sappy geek!! I think the only Arthur I left out was Arthur Pendragon, and that's only because I forgot.
P.S. He did not even think of calling himself Luke Skywalker, because seriously, Luke? Okay, well, seriously, Luke reminds him of himself, before he was cool and stuff. And that just makes John wince.
thinking important things,
fic bits