Night o' funky dreams

Aug 30, 2007 10:28

I mean, damn1) 18th century chainsaw massacre. Obviously, no chainsaws, or Texas, for that matter. So the killer ran through the halls of Versallies with a two-man handsaw, which went "wobbabah-wobbabah-wobbabah" ominously. Terrifying and hilarious all at once. ::makes international hand signal for wiggling saw ( Read more... )

dream report, dreams, weirdness, braaaains

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Comments 20

ljs August 30 2007, 15:07:42 UTC
You deserve a nap after that! Possibly TWO naps!



beadattitude August 30 2007, 19:39:40 UTC
First nap down, second nap just after I finish this salad. ::smooches you::


equusentric August 30 2007, 15:22:15 UTC
Dream Number One for the win! \o/


beadattitude August 30 2007, 19:40:16 UTC
Thank you! I love your horse laugh! HEE!


sheafrotherdon August 30 2007, 16:12:56 UTC
Okay the second one is NO fun at all! But the first one . . . the image of someone running with two hand-saws through Versaille is cracking me up. *squishes*


beadattitude August 30 2007, 19:45:54 UTC
No no, one BIG hand saw - a two man saw - waving it about willy nilly and wearing knee-breeches and a carnival mask!

There was a third one that was also unpleasant. My family planned and had my wedding without me while I was trying to get home, and didn't tell me. I had called and said I'd found a dress and they were all, "Well then, game on!" I got lost and when I arrived everyone was furious and poor Jeff was like, "They just wouldn't stop."

It was horrible. My mother had said something nasty to the caterers and they were crying and my parents were like, well, sorry you missed it. The license is really all that is necessary, so here you go. You ingrate. I sat in the back of the catering truck with Jeff and the waitstaff and ate strawberries and cake and cried. I just didn't understand why they did that. And they were all...what are you talking about?


sheafrotherdon August 30 2007, 19:50:22 UTC
oh! Well this dream I know the meaning of - this is pretty classic! Bad wedding dreams are usually about balancing the implied demands of family with our own sense of who we are. Weddings are a classic dream way of articulating that, because it's about a new start but also about tradition - about a new identity, but also about committing to a social norm. So I would say that's a lot about all your struggles lately, on a multitude of levels, between old you and new you and the you you feel you are and you you feel your family perceives you to be.

I can dig out my book and see what it has on the second dream if you like? I dun think it'll have anything on the saw guy in Versailles ;)


beadattitude August 30 2007, 19:59:27 UTC
Yup, totally got that. There was also this huge car chase/trying to meet up misunderstanding that was all about mixed signals and poor communication. It was very interesting that my Dad was alive and present for these dreams, but not so much Jeff's family.

I had a wedding dream before that was very similar - out of control, no one asking what I wanted, outrageous - made me realize I needed to break up with PTSD boyfriend. ::rolls eyes::

I'd love to know about the hiking dream!


julia_here August 30 2007, 16:22:19 UTC

... )


beadattitude August 30 2007, 19:37:41 UTC
I spit taked on the cat when I saw that picture AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry, Goldie.

I did not know it was possible to love you even more than I do, but I do. Stoinked Hee. That seems such a Three Stoogees word, nyuk, nyuk.


beadattitude December 6 2012, 05:43:44 UTC
I have come upon this again and laughed my socks off.


anonymous August 30 2007, 19:13:39 UTC
Nearly every other time I've hiked, a component of this ur-hiking moment is duplicated; equine aid, stream fording, inappropriate clothing/footwear, and/or attempting something my body's not ready for.

I am commenting to say that this is the best sentence ever. "Ur-hiking" FTW!


Damn LJ windbringer1 August 30 2007, 19:15:00 UTC
The above comment is me. Damn you, LJ!


Re: Damn LJ beadattitude August 30 2007, 19:34:24 UTC
Thanks, pooka!! Always glad to hear from you!! ::smooch::


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