Title: The Road Home, Gata, part 1, a Checkmate story Series:Checkmate ‘Verse Author: Beadattitude Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: G Beta: yin_again (Thanks yintastic one
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so, you could NOT POSSIBLY have known this, but i JUST came home from a math test in time for you to post this, and it is a great little present to make up for my slightly stressful morning. thank you!
i can't even believe how curious and excited i am about how this is all going to go down. you've got my ears perked in complete interest.
thing that made me crack up and go "awww" at the same time: rodney telling john to put away his claws so he could hug him. Also, “Look at you, you got your fur all irritated and poofed out for nothing.” ::dies from cuteness::
i can see how it would be difficult, especially given the incredibly enthusiastic responses to all of the lead-up fics. by all means, take your time!!! i am eager to see what happens, but i would bet that i am not the only one who is willing to wait as long as it takes for you...
Comments 127
i can't even believe how curious and excited i am about how this is all going to go down. you've got my ears perked in complete interest.
thing that made me crack up and go "awww" at the same time: rodney telling john to put away his claws so he could hug him. Also, “Look at you, you got your fur all irritated and poofed out for nothing.” ::dies from cuteness::
It's shaping up, but it's been a little slow going. I want it to be just right.
"in his Rodney's" - you need to remove the "his".
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Although we have the bonus of knowing that you are going to go back and fill in more of the story which helps to make it seem less final :)
Excuse me while my brain turns to mush at the cuteness, then melts out of my ears...
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