I'm okay-ish. My brain still hurts a great deal, possibly on the sub-atomic level. As I told Ladycat last night, the whole dust-up has really made disinclined to write any characters other than J&R, and fairly disinclined to touch fic with a ten-foot pole right now. Which is kind of sad.
Oh dear, I seem to have missed some dustage, which I will go rectify right now.
I do know that horrible never-touching-fic again feeling, and can assure you that it eventually passes.
Just to let you know, when I was feeling stuck and low with my fic, I went and reread favored selections of "Liberty," uh, the entire thing actually, and "Clean Plate Club."
I would tell you how much I liked various parts of this, except that three-quarters of the way through, I think I broke something, because right now, the only works I have are 1) guh, and 2) yay. :)
Ummmm....::runs after with bucket and net::: ::gives up and spreads a tarp out so you can flail away.
Ronon's a secret mama bear who wants everyone to be happy. I particularly like the image of him as Guard dog person, warrior thing, with fancy dress knives. ::snorf::
The Doctor Who bit wrote its ownself. God Bless Russell T. Davies. And Abbot and Costello.
Comments 164
So good. Me bunk. Thank you.
(How you do, honey? I've been thinking about you.)
On the up side...I slept well last night.
I do know that horrible never-touching-fic again feeling, and can assure you that it eventually passes.
Just to let you know, when I was feeling stuck and low with my fic, I went and reread favored selections of "Liberty," uh, the entire thing actually, and "Clean Plate Club."
That was *awesomely* happy.
Ummmmm, anything in particular the straw that broke yer brain-camel?
Hand-holding! Ronon-approval! Doctor Who!
Ronon's a secret mama bear who wants everyone to be happy. I particularly like the image of him as Guard dog person, warrior thing, with fancy dress knives. ::snorf::
The Doctor Who bit wrote its ownself. God Bless Russell T. Davies. And Abbot and Costello.
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