[Tutorial] Crystal Bracelet #2

May 01, 2008 20:37

Tutorial : Crystal Bracelet #2
Level : Beginner - Intermediate

Warning : Heavy pictures under cut.

What you need :
- 4 mm. Bicones Swarovski Crystal.
- 3 mm. Bicones Swarovski Crystal.
- Seed beads.
- Clasp and O-rings
- Nylon coated thread no. 20.

I got the pattern and design from this magazine. Crystal magazine April 2008 available only in my country, sorry.


Cut the nylon thread 80 - 100 cm. String seed bead and form a ring. You can make a bigger ring if you want. Here I use six seed beads and join both lines by one seed bead. I also suggest you to string back into the seed beads two or three times to make it tight. Then, you continue adding two crystals each line.


Join both lines by three crystals. I use Rose 4 mm., Light Emerald 3 mm. and Medium Sapphire 4 mm. Pull both lines tight.


Just repeat it. Adding two crystals to each line and join them by three crystals. Continue it until you reach your wanted length.


You end it by using seed beads. Join both lines by one seed bead and form a ring of six seed beads. Also string back into the ring two or three times to make it tight. Keep the remaining threads by putting them back into the beads or crystals. Try to find the spot where two threads collide so that you can tie the threads together. String back into the crystals, tie them until you make sure it won't loose. Then cut the remaining threads.


Cut another thread around 70 - 90 cm. String the thread into the joint seed bead (red arrow). That's the start. Then string the lines into the crystals (blue arrow).


Put both lines into the three crystals. Pull them tight.


Pick up one line (can by any line). Put eight seed beads into the line and cross string the line into the three crystals (red arrow).


Put the other line into the two crystals (red arrow) and into the three crystals (blue arrow). Here you will end up having two lines together.

Repeat Step 8 and 9. Pick up one line (can be any line), add eight seed beads and put it into three crystal. For the other remaining line just strings into the two crystals and three crystals.


You end it by stringing back into the crystals and tie both lines together.

Add o-rings and clasp to your bracelet.


Actually, there are other ways to make this bracelet. You don't need to cut the thread two times but just one long thread. Then string back to make half swirl seed beads. But I don't like working with a very long thread so I prefer cutting the thread two times.

Also, if you don't like making a ring by seed bead, just start with a crimp bead and bead tip. You can see the previous tutorial (crystal bracelet #1) step 1 - 3.

Note to self : I should create separate tutorial how to start the bracelet by crimp bead and bead tip so I can refer it easier.


I will post the pattern soon.

bracelet, bead, tutorial, crystals

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