How to read from Japanese pattern

Apr 01, 2008 00:06

It seems to be a big problem for many people. I also start beading by self-taught and reading the pattern. So this guide will be written based on my experience.

We start with the easy one. This pattern is the bead ball #1.

- For all the patterns, there will be a symbol indicated a starter point. Most Japanese patterns use 'star'. That is where we start beading.
- Notice the types of beads and colors using in the pattern. In the good patterns, they will use different shapes and colors for each types of beads. In this example, there are six types of beads so they use six shapes. (I post some Japanese translation below.)
- Notice the pattern, the thread is in two colors: red and black, which indicates the left and right lines.
- Normally, the pattern will tell you how long you need to cut the thread.
- You have to pick up the right bead and follow the pattern carefully.
- Notice the arrowhead.
- You see some beads where there are more than one line pass through it. This is where the two lines cross. Also please check the arrowhead carefully.
- The knot is the pattern is where we tie the two lines together.
- For me, I don't tie them immediately as in the pattern but I will string the thread back into the beads. Then I try to find the place where two lines collide. Just then, I will tie the lines together.

This is more complicated pattern. This pattern is a strawberry.

- For more complicated pattern, they will be numbers for each ring you bead.
- Start from the 'star' symbol again. Notice the number 1. Then you continue beading to the ring number 2 and follow the pattern carefully.
- When you do it, you must remember which line is red or which is black. It will help you a lot when you're doing some 3D pieces or following large pattern.
- If you can't finish it in one sit down or you must leave it to do other things, please note down where you have left it or write down the ring number as a reminder. With the complicated project, it's hard to continue by just looking at your piece of work.


Here, these are some Japanese words you should know. My Japanese is kindergarten level. I can only read simple alphabets so don't ask me to translate the whole page. Oh, yes, your browser needs to have Japanese encoding in order to view Japanese alphabets.

アクセサリ= accessory
アクリル = acrylic

ビーズ = beads
ブレスレット = bracelet
ブローチ = brooch

カメオ = cameo
キャッツアイ = cat's eye
チェーン = chain
クリスタル = crystal
キュービックジルコン = Cubic zirconia
チェコ = Czech

イヤリング = earring

ファイヤーポリッシュ = fire polished
フラワー = flower

グラス = glass

ハート = heart

メタリック = metalic

ネックレス = necklace

パール = pearl
ペンダント = pendant

リング = ring
ラウンド = round

スクエア = square
スワロフスキー  = Swarovski

テグス = thread

ワイヤ = wire

I will add more if I can think of some other words.

Also, this is a very useful online translation, Google translate.

bead, tutorial, pattern

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