Long timey no update-y. I am currently writing this at the public library with various people breathing down my neck waiting for the puter. Well, fuck em. I've been in interenet withdrawal and I need my stalking time. So there.
The move went as smoothly as could be expected and I'm getting acclimated to my new life in the burbs. I like my new place and my new roomie, so that's a relief.
Still no job, although I do have two interviews next week. *crosses fingers* Paying rent for next month sure would be a nice thing.
Everything's on the up-and-up with Gabriel. (*snicker* heh, I said 'up-and-up' *Beavis and Butthead laugh*). Yeah, in every possible meaning of up-and-up. We went up to the city to see The Gossip the other night and a good time was had by all. I love going to shows with him because we both love to dance and get sweaty and have fun instead of remaining jadedly detached from the whole thing. We have a similar show-going style. And damn can that lead singer wail.
ultraminx and
velvetsiren, I'd love to plan a night out with you as I have basically nothing but time on my hands right now, although not too much money to fill it with. Any club plans? Drinky drinky dancey dancey anyone?