Hello and welcome old members and new members to Phase 3 of beacon_hills. First things first.
Members that let me know they wouldn't be returning have been removed from the community, and I've messaged people that didn't fill out the poll - they have until the 10th to reply or I'll remove them. A total of 4 people were removed and there are still 8 people I'm waiting to decide - this includes people that were on hiatus all last Phase. Here is a up-to-date member list, if your name is not there and it should please let me know :D and I'll fix it up.
Bonuses are back again for this Phase, I hope you guys enjoyed them :D
1. "Field's Medal" Reward: Twice a month, a member will be selected at random and if they have a link to the community in their profile/sidebar/friend's only entry/other sticky entry they will be awarded 50 points. I WON'T go looking through pages and pages of your profile for the post mentioning the community.
2. "Roll Call": Anyone who refers a new member to the community will automatically gain 10 points for his/her team. In order to get the points, the one you're referring needs to mention you or the community you have pimped in, in the "Who told you about beacon_hills?" section of the application. This starts from March 6th, when the Phase officially starts.
3. "Wolfsbane Bullets": Each team gets 3 of these per Phase. Using this bonus means that YOUR TEAM gets to extend the deadline of a challenge for TWO DAYS. The bonus must be "played" before the challenge deadline, and can only played by one of the team mod's. So you need to deicide as a team when you want to use this bonus.
4. "Research Mode": This is basically receiving points for participating regularly in challenges. For every 5 challenges you enter, you will receive 10 bonus points. However, if you participate in an odd number of challenges (ie, not a 5 or 10), I will round down. Example, if you enter 11 challenges, you will receive 20 bonus points; if you enter 24 challenges, you will receive 40 bonus points. And so on. :D
5. "Perfect Participation": If you sign off every challenge that you enter with a tag banner and/or team icon you have the chance to earn 50 points at the end of the Phase. To earn these points, don't need to enter every challenge, but every challenge you do enter must be signed off with a tag banner. At the end of the Phase, if you have entered at least 5 challenges, and signed them ALL with a banner or icon, you will receive 50 points. NOTE: You must include the banner the first time you submit your entry - if you forget, you forget. You CANNOT edit it in later.
6. "The Power of Suggestion": If you leave a suggestion for a challenge in the suggestion box, and I use the idea as a challenge, you will receive 15 bonus points.