Практика научила, что ссылки на тексты и картинки вещь хорошая, но со временем они перестают работать по самым разным причинам и интересные материалы теряются ((
Настя Кравченок в инстраграмме публикует свои впечатления от ковидных игр. Мне интересно и жалко будет, если эти публикации затеряются в сети.
https://www.instagram.com/p/CVc_uEWMXsr/MY REALITY AT THE OLYMPICS
Let's get back to the highlight of this summer and these 5 years - the Tokyo Olympic games. Several months have passed and I can talk about my impressions because time made it possible to analyze how everything was.
A few days ago I received the Olympic diary of the Latvian team and after looking through these photos and reading my quotes, memories flooded.
Although this is probably the brightest competition in my career, remembering the time there, the first thing that comes to mind is - how boring it was in my free time. Covid left his mark - we could not go outside the village, we tried to limit communication because positive cases were nearby.
I spent most of the time in my room. The main event of the day was training or game. That’s it. Quality sleep, food, social media, TV series, books. I think I read 3 books in 3 weeks. That's a lot for me.
The experience of 2014 at the Youth Olympics definitely helped, I knew what to expect. Three weeks in the village, you need to be able to entertain yourself, concentrate on games, but you also cannot burn out. Therefore, after one game, when until the next two days, you need to be able to relax and not think about the upcoming match, because it is still far away. The emotional mood for the game also has its time. By the way, if you want me to tell you how I prepared, write about it in the comments.
Part 2 is coming soon. Was it interesting? tap + in the comments.
The opening ceremony really disappointed me, I almost cried, because everything was done for the audience, who is watching it through their screens. As an athlete, I didn't see much. And this empty stadium…imagine what a feeling it can be when you walk to the stadium for 2-3 kilometers, enter, and there is emptiness. Probably the same emptiness surrounded me.
I was more used to playing with empty stands because such an experience already existed. I knew that many of you were following our games online and the energy through your messages was incredible. This helped to have even more fire inside. Thank you!
The level of organization was good - the buses ran on schedule, there were no problems with the courts. It was possible to go to the gym even several times a day; cold baths were available on the courts. Clinic for athletes, where you could check your health. COVID tests were given for the entire stay, we did them every day.
As soon as the athletes finish the competition, they had to leave the village within 48 hours. After our bronze medal game, we left the next day. It was nice to return home and meet loved ones after an emotionally difficult tournament. At that time I had an emptiness inside, again the 4th place and for a long time without usual emotions.
Emotions there were associated only with sport, so literally, 2 days after Olympics, Tina and I were incredibly happy to have breakfast in the city center, to see ordinary people, architecture, animals in the park.
Athletes are not machines - we are just the same ordinary people. In my opinion, the Olympics is a test of how long you can work like a machine.