Очень хочется надеяться, что эксперименты по усечению пляжных турниров окажутся в прошлом и забудутся, как дурной сон. Хотя многим игрокам жизнь это подпортило и изменить это нельзя. Вообще спорт вещь специфическая - эксперименты на людях...
Чем и кому не понравилась обычная система до двух поражений не знаю, кто-то говорил, что она непонятна зрителю, но ведь нынешние еще заковырестее.
Сидней будут играть по модифицированным пулам. Первая часть понятна - первый матч по посеву, второй за 1-2 или 3-4 место в группе. А дальше начинается такое, что прогнозам не подчиняется. Видимо нужно "развлекать" организаторов, а то при системе до двух поражений - раз отработал и свободен.
В Сиднее будет сетка на 24 команды - 6 групп, из которых должно выйти в плей-офф 16 команд. Простенько тут не разберешься. Наверное, есть во всем этом какая-то логика, но мне она не доступна.((( Почему вытягивая номера, их ставят не по порядку, а в порядке (draw 1) 5-4-3-6??? Ну да бог с ним. Для чего все эти искусственные системы? Видимо, чтобы организаторы(кто-то иной) могли манипулировать посевом?
• A1 or B1 are decided by BEST RALLY POINTS RATIO - Team with highest ratio will be Seed #1, the other team will be Seed #2. If there is a tie, a draw will be conducted to break the tie and the first team drawn will be seed #1 while the other team will be seed #2,
• Draw 1:
All others 1st place teams (C1, D1, E1 and F1) in their pool will be drawn for seed #3 to #6 as shown below.
Teams from the same pool can’t play in the first round, i.e. round of 16. However, teams from same NF will be able
to play in the first round.
- The 4 teams names will be placed in a container, with the first name drawn becoming seed #5 and placed as noted above.
- The second name drawn becomes seed #4 and placed as noted above.
- The third name drawn becomes seed #3 and placed as noted above.
- The fourth name drawn becomes seed #6 and placed as noted above.
• Draw 2:
All teams ranked 2nd place in their pool will be drawn for seeds #7 to #12 as shown above.
Teams from the same pool can’t play in the first round, i.e. round of 16. However, teams from same NF will be able to play in the first round.
- The six teams names will be placed in a container, with the first name drawn becoming seed #9 and placed as noted below.
- The second name drawn becomes seed #8 and placed as noted above.
- The third name drawn becomes seed #12 and placed as noted above.
- The fourth name drawn becomes seed #11 and placed as noted above.
- The fifth name drawn becomes seed #7 and placed as noted above.
- The sixth name drawn becomes seed #10 and placed as noted above.
• Draw 3:
The two (2) best 3rd ranked teams with the best rally points ratio will be drawn for the seeds #13 and #14.
- Teams from the same pool can’t play in the first round, i.e. round of 16. However, teams from same NF will be
able to play in the first round.
- The two teams names will be placed in a container, with the first name drawn becoming seed #13 and placed
as noted below.
- The second name drawn becomes seed #14 and placed as noted above.
• Draw 4:
The other two (2) 3rd ranked teams who qualify to the single elimination phase, i.e. 3rd and 4th ranked as per
the rally points ratio among six 3rd ranked teams from all pools will be drawn for seed #15 and #16.
Teams from the same pool can’t play in the first round, i.e. round of 16. However, teams from same NF will be
able to play in the first round.
- The two teams names will be placed in a container, with the first name drawn becoming seed #16 and placed
as noted below.
- The second name drawn becomes seed #15 and placed as noted above.
Рейтинговую систему наконец поменяли. Обнадеживает, что теоретически присутствуют 5, 7 места, т.е. надежда на турнир до двух поражений теоретически может быть ))
Честно сходила на сайт ФИВБ в поисках Regulations на 2018, пока нет. Прогулялась по первым турнирам 2018 года (Австралия, Киш), формат прописан только на Гаагу. "Эпоха перемен" продолжается...