Aug 01, 2005 14:17
thanks to alisons xanga...
Your Perfect Guy
Short Answer
.: x hair color- brown or dirty
.: x eye color- hazel
.: x height- not too much shorter than me
.: x short or long hair- in between, not like buzz cut or longer than ears
.: x prep, skater, jock, etc- depends
.: x teeth- good teeth!! sry im like obsessed with guys' teeth for some reason
Yes or No
.: x glasses- no
.: x contacts- ok
.: x buff- yes
.: x piercings- not right
.: x tatoos- ok
.: x teeth- obviosly
.: x cook- yeah
.: x love his mom- yep
.: x watch chick flicks with you- cuz he loves me, not cuz he likes them too
.: x cuss- yeah but not ALL the time
.: x drink- no
.: x smoke- nope
.: x write poems- eww no
.: x walk you to your door- of course
.: x pay for dinner- the first couple times
.: x wild or conserved- both
This or that
.: x funny or serious- funny!!
.: x night out or stay at home- night out
.: x shy or outgoing- more outgoing but shy when he needs to be
.: x candy or flowers- flowers
.: x smart or dumb- smart
.: x not afraid to speak his mind or do what makes you happy- controlled speaking of the mind
.: x quiet or loud- not TOO loud
.: x class clown or class nerd- class clown
.: x funny or sarcastic- funny
.: x basketball or football- football
.: x honest or trustworthy- honest