Freedom to chain myself

Feb 20, 2005 03:23

No classes for the next week due to February break, which means that I should have plenty of time to sit back and chill. I do, however, have quite the agenda.

1. Force myself on to a regular sleep schedule so that I actually sleep instead of just nap.
2. Get myself back on a regular running cycle. Working out = up seratonin count = happy Tracy
3. Design a presentation for my employing professor
4. Catch up on my reading in 2 of my classes.
5. Research for my paper in Economics that will be the most difficult thing I have ever done.
6. Try to go see Chris at Harvard...he's 20 minutes away but I never see him...
7. Figure out how to retrieve a boy from the airport on a Tuesday morning

All this on top of just trying to relax and get comfortable here again. I think some good quality alone-with-Rob time will be good for me. He can usually help me sort things out when there isn't some kind of crazy interruption every 5 minutes. Strange how so little can change so much.
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