May 08, 2003 23:45 is my latest addiction. amazing. these people take it all so seriously. weird.
today was total irritation day at work. then i came home and watched the 'miss dog' pageant. it's a shame about the one boring dog winning the big prize. i was rooting all the way for lil soozie, a sweet boston terrier who won 1st runner-up. poo.
a commercial for a johnny cash cd was just on. i haven't seen a picture of him in a long ass time. he's getting up there, age wise. i mean, i guess i knew that, but it hit me just now. when i used to work at the natural foods store, we listened to his box set constantly. that was the best job ever. seriously. it paid shit wages, but i never really dreaded going in, like all my other jobs.
ok. good night.