Jun 29, 2006 02:43
0k w0w. ii`m finally updatin after 9399993943949349 million years since myspace has been addictiin uP the a h0le. s00 ya i reread aLL my entrys siince i started liivejournaL. & wow i went fr0m smokin whore t00 to graduatin fr0m hiighschool. wow & iit d0es feeL different those past 2 years.. iive m0ved on..ii g0t a 2nd job anddd ii`m stiLL at aero. 2 years and strong. im a different pers0n now.ii`m 18 im stiLL driving i have my own checkinaccount. i graduated. ii`m a freshman again.butt in c0llege. pbcc f0r now. high maintance. ii have the best 0f friiends i cant complaiin. i g0 cLubbin now. n0 more sm0kin its fuckin gay. C0ME ON LETS GET 0VER GETTiiN HIGH WE ARE MATURE NOW. seri0usLy gettin high is a j0ke idk why i did iit in the first place. to get into the crowd? probably. fuck iit. i stiLL drink but i wanna start my liife n0w that iim done with highschool. i`ve had m heart broken by the l0ve of my life yet again. we are stiLL on and off. but w/e... fuCk iit hes in c0llege we stiLL talk still h00k up and do shiit. i love him and i never will stop l0vin him. he was m fiirst.
the past year ii`ve met the best of friends. i stiLL have ashley we stiLL get crunk 2gether. i met a girL named jacklyn who i love to death. im so glad i met her. she completes me. i met cLae she is always one of the truiest giirLs ive met.dont know whatid do without her. i als0 met christina who truly knows how i am when i cry or when i break down i love her 2. s00 really my life has been a up and down. fr0m my famiLy to losin alot of friends to heartbreak to graduatin to everything. drama...w0wwwww drama...but i guess it follows me where ever ii d0 . oh weLL over it. done wiith it. u wanna taLk shiit. just say it to my face..
iff u taLk shiit dont let me find out..iif i findout. u must not have d0ne a g00d job to keep it a secret.
we g0t a dog hes names duke i love him. though i do miss thomas...its gettin harder and harder to remember him cuz its been a year and some months...
heather and ii no longer taLK (( she was the girl that sent away for doin drugs..she was literally my sister. ))she relapse and is stiLL doin drugs. she got pregnet but l0st iit. idk i rLy do miss her but i kn0 in the end this was for the better.i remember when we taLked about our lives and our weddings. wow shiit has changed..
liife as changed everyone has changed. now aday if u wanna see people or talk about ppl u go
" oh does she/he have a myspace" yayyyyy damn myspace...
soo thats iit.. nothing else really..
love ya l0ts