fun day

Apr 19, 2005 22:53

today wus funn!! i left school after 2nd block to go to districts at naples bath and tennis.. it was really cool.. we did like a photoshoot for sum usa tennis magazine and it took forever.. but they gave us all like daquiries (spelling?) and fruit and like a whole tray of like the best chocolate chip cookies everr.. lol.. so i was there from like 11:30 til 2:30.. then came home cuz i hadda watch my little bro for a little.. then at 5:30 went back to naples bath and tennis for a BBQ we were having as a team.. like an end of the season was like $15 for a hamburger and a piece of cake.. lol.. w/e..after that i went downtown to 5th ave. w/ liza and caitlin..(MY FAVORiTE SENiORS!!!!!!) haha.. and we got like ice cream and stuff.. i had fun.. laughed a lottt!! (omg.. i might go to prom!! all i need is juss a ticket.. so if u have an extra one or kno sum 1 that does and wants to sell it to me lemme kno!!) after that, we stopped by liza's b/f's house to drop off sum little things liza got for him, his mom, and his dad on 5th.. lol.. then she dropped me off, i took a shower, and now i have some homework i need to do and stil do my hair cuz its still wet.. its gunna be a late nite for me.. lol

everyone came back from boston todayy!! yay
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