May 22, 2005 00:13
Well hello there my fello gals and pals! I would just like to tell you that i am offically done with the stressful, joyful, crazy,and exciting world of high school Friday May 20 was my very last day of HIGH SCHOOL!! I cannot believe how quickly the last 4 years of my life have gone by... high school is really about finding oneself and figuring about our purpose! God took me from that party girl life style that had no self respect to a young woman of God who knows that she is worth something with a purpose! God is soo good! So today at work I thought I was supposed to work form 5pn to 2 am but it turns out that tonight was not busy at all so I got cut earlier! But down to the story so earlier on in my shift I was thinking that it would be so much fun to just eat there with my friends and play cards and drink coffee.. well it turns out that right as I was clocking out some of my realllly good friends bekah, becca, nicole and her hubby vocab malone come prancing on in with their stack of cards, and a small game of of of guess who... who would have thought! I ended up staying and playing cards, drinking coffee and hangin out with my friends!! :)So I would just like to say that God is way cool not only does he fulfill my needs but also my desires! He has been so faithful in my life YOU ROVK JESUS!!