Sep 08, 2004 16:43
Yeah, you seriously know who I'm talking about. If you stay home all day, or at least read everyone's lj you know just so that you can start shit, then get fucked and die bitch. If you read lj to stay in touch with your friends then rock on, but seriously you drama bitches out there need to pipe the fuck down!
The person who started LJ seriously must have either missed a lot of friends, been nosey, or severely drama driven.
This is one reason I never really posted the personal stuff, if I posted something really really important, or highly rated on the gossip scale on LJ tonight, by tomorrow night the entire Richmond Square Mall would know, and so would half of Richmond (at least), and whoever else has the time to sit and read peoples shit.
Oh and something else, for you bitches out there who are so fucking shocked when people find shit out, or people are talking about your shit.... well, you fucking type this shit so that people read it, amd I wrong? If you post your fucking life story what do you expect, and as far as I'm concerned once you post it, it's fair game, and a.k.a. FRONT PAGE NEWS!!
I'm just so tired of hearing friends, and friends of friends, and just random people bitching about drama started by people who read so and so's LJ. If you don't want drama don't post drama related bullshit...DUH
Que Fuerte!!!!