Jesus rocks my world

Jan 15, 2006 14:02

I can feel it already... this semester is going to be one of the BEST semsters EVER! God has blessed my life in so many ways over the past year. I have a great group of Christian friends at home and at school. Anytime I have a problem or I am struggeling I know that I can go to any of them and they'll be there for me. This semester I joined Megans off campus women's Bible study which I am so very excited for!!!

Every couple of days I have something exciting to look forward to. Sundays are relaxing, Tuesdays is girls lunch and Bible study, Thursday night is Real Life and hanging out with AWESOME friends for hours, Friday marks the weekend yay! Saturday is church and hanging out with super cool people again. And everyday I get to spend some quality time with the most awesome roomie ever, Miss Rachael Way! We're reading the Purpose Dirven Life together and so far it is sooo amazing. I'm lucky to have a strong Christian roomie that I can talk to about God and my life. Next year I think Ashley is going to live with us and shes also involved with Campus Crusade. I'm so excited for that becuase I will be surrounded by people who can help me grow in my walk with God.

I thought this semester would be hard for me to come back and start over, given what all I went through last semester. Surprisingly it has been just the opposite! I only have one class I actually have to go to everyday, one of them I can watch online and I feel like I can balance work, school, God and social activities way better! I'm so excited for this semester, and I'm already sad that I'll be graduating in a year and I'll have to leave everything thats helped me to grow into who I am today behind. I know that there are great things ahead in my life that will help me to grow even more, but its hard not to think about everything that I will be leaving at MSU.

Ok, time to study and do laundry... darn it!
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