Nov 03, 2005 14:22
This is going to be a rough weekend. I have a project due on Monday and a Pharmacology exam on Tuesday. It is deffinately going to be a tough weekend. But, after Tuesday, I will feel a lot better and I can start studying for biochem and thinking about what I'm going to do for my final paper in my senior seminar. Oh, I had my presentation in that class yesterday, I think we did a good job we didn't get thrown any werid questions, one of the few groups to make the time range and we had a HUGE discussion after it with the whole class. That was a great feeling and to finally be done with it.
I miss John a lot right now. I saw him 2 weeks ago and I won't see him again until 2 weeks from now. Going a month without seeing someone you love is really not ideal but we both are busy it's so great when you do finally get to see them. I get to see the glee club concert during the OSU weekend! I just can't wait until that weekend b/c I will finally be a little less stressed, get to see John, yes for three weekends in a row too, and just have fun!!!
I REALLY am starting to feel a lot better now. I can't believe I actually thought I was ok and that I could wait until the semester was over to go to the dr. I am such an idiot for thinking that. I'm so thankful for my wonderful parents for helping me out, and especially for John, Rachael and Shawna for dealing with this and helping to be a support system for me during everything. What would I do without you guys?! I'm not back to normal yet, but I'm really making progress. Hopefully in the next week or two I'll be back 100 percent to normal or even better than normal!