
Jul 23, 2005 13:55

thanks for all your opinions. i still dunno what im gonna do haha. rachels home! :-) i wasnt home eysterday morning so i didnt get to see her. i cant wait tho. so i fucking love summer. so much. i thought this summer wasg onna suck..boy was i wrong.. yesterday was so amazing - just bc it was so random and all i dunno haha.. heres another survey bc im OBSESSED!

f i r s t s
First real kiss: freshman year, bryan
First break-up: sophmore year, bryan
First screen name: spcgrl98 --- i was a loser..was?
First self purchased album: i cant remember for the life of me haha
First piercing/tattoo: ears pierced uh... fourth grade? maybe..
First credit card: none
First true love: freshman year, bryan
First enemy: lol

l a s t s
Last car ride: yesterday with laurr & kyle!!
Last kiss:  i dont kiss and tell haha
Last good cry: a while ago :-)
Last library book checked out: confessions of a not it girl
Last beverage drank: cola
Last food consumed: pizza
Last phone call: i called neil
Last time showered: haha i need to. badly.
Last shoes worn: speedo sandals
Last item bought: movie?
Last annoyance: none

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
01. who are your best friends? you know if you are
02. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no
03. who is your crush? cant tell you
04. are you a virgin? yeah

s p e c i f i c s
what kind of shampoo do you use? suave
What are you most scared of?  lots
what are you listening to right now? nothing haha
where do you want to get married? hmm i dunno

how many buddies are online right now? a lot
what would you change about yourself? a lot

f a v o r i t e s
01. color: purple
02. food: chinese
03. boys' names: jared
04. girls' names: nicole
05. subjects in school: english
06. animals: cats dogs
07. sports: a few

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
01. given anyone a bath? no
02. smoked? no
03. bungee jumped? no
04. made yourself throw up? yeah.. but not bc i thought iw as fat, so i would feel better
05. skinny dipped? yep
06: been in love? yep
07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?  yeah hahaha

08. pictured your crush naked? yeah

09. actually seen your crush naked? lol
10. cried when someone died? yeah
12. fallen for your best friend? nope

13. been rejected? yea
14. rejected someone? yea
15. used someone? no
16 done something you regret? yeah

c u r r e n t
clothes: bathing suit haha - i live in it

smell: chlorine
favorite artist: lifehouse, jack johnson and maroon 5

l a s t p e r s o n
you touched: laurr

hugged: kyle

You imed: neil

a r e y o u
understanding: yea
Openminded: yea
arrogant: hopefully not
insecure: sometimes
interesting: yep
hungry: no we pigged out haha
smart: sometimes
moody: sometimes

hardworking: sometimes
organized: i try to be
healthy: yea
shy: nope
attractive: uh

bored easily: nah

responsible: yes i dont care what you say
angry: a little
sad: eh
disappointed: yeah a little
happy: yes.
hyper: yeaaaaaaaa
trusting: yeah
talkative: yepp
legal: nope

w h o d o y o u w a n n a
kill: heh heh heh
get high with: laurr
look like: me!
talk to offline: youknow
talk to online: your mom

w h i c h i s b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: coke
flowers or candy: flowers
tall or short: tall c
Weed or ciggarettes: neither
brown or blonde: brown yo

r a n d o m
in the morning i am: so tired
all i need is: hmm
love is: painful
i dream about: :-)
what do you notice first: teeth and muscles
last person you danced with: ryan voelker :-)

Who makes you smile: everyone
who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: :-)
who has a crush on you: no one

d o y o u e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: nah
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no
wish you were younger: yeah

n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: one
of hearts i have broken: zeroo
of guys i've kissed: hah

of girls i've kissed: hahaaaaa

of continents i have lived in: 1

of tight friends: there are about 9 of 'em
of cds i own: too many
of scars on body: two

[Full name]: lisa nicole shaffer
[Male/Female]: Female
[Birthdate]: 2/12/89   ---people who were born on this day are very weird
[Nationality]: irish&german
[Birthplace]: abington
[Current Residence]: the south side of hampton


[Wallet]: uh its black.. with a chinese charm on it
[Jewelry worn daily]: i change it every day haha
[Talking to]: neil


[You went to the movies with]: adam and laurr
[You went to the mall with]: colle and jenny
[Yelled at you]: ummm... i cant remember haha


[Said "I love you" and meant it?]: yeah
[Gotten in a fight]: verbal yes
[Been to New York]: yea

[Been to Florida]: yea
[California]: no
[Hawaii]: no
[China]: no
[Canada]: nope
[Got a really bad feeling about something then it happened]: no, -knocks on wood-

[Wished you were the opposite sex?]: no
[Had an imaginary friend]: no "people who had imaginary friends are so weird. i never did.:--haha
[Red or Blue]: blue
[Santa or Rudolph]: santa

[Math or English]: English


[Spell your first name backwards]: asil
[Story behind your journal user name]:  i love the beach. im a bum. and my birthday.
[Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming months]: schooooll :-(
[Something that you are deathly afraid of]: being old, death its self, spiders

[What type automobile do you drive]: i dont :-(

[What type automobile do you wish you drove]: a mini or a mustang
[Would you rather be with friends or on a date]: depends on my mood
[What are you going to do after you finish this survey]: i dunno

[What was the last food you ate]: pizza
[High school or college]: neither haha
[Are you bored]: eh
[How many buddies are on]: too many
[What was the last movie you saw]: mr. and mrs. smith

[What was the last noise you heard]: tv
[What was the last time you went out of the state]: june
[What book are you reading now]: none
[What's on your mouse pad]: in the new room, a kitten
[What's your favorite board game]: scattegories!!!!!
[What's the worst feeling in the world]: mmmm. jealousy. feeling alone. getting your heart broken by someone who doesnt even give a damn how you feel...

(Future daughter's name]: Nicole Violet
[Future son's name]: Jared Michael
[Do you sleep with a stuffed animal]: i used to sleep with B the bear.. but not its the london bear from kyle
[Eye color]: brown
[Height currently]: 5 somethin
[College plans]: i keep changing my mind for college but major? journalism.
[Are you happy with your life]: yeah. i thought i wouldnt be.. but things are changing, ive realized my mistakes.. i dunno.. im just livin it.
[Do you believe in love]: yes
[Do you believe in soul mates]: sometimes
[Do you believe in love at first sight]: no
[Do you believe in forgiveness]: yeah


[Cried]:  nope
[Bought something]: no
[Gotten sick]: nope
[Sang]: probably..really badly
[Eaten]: yea
[Been kissed]: nope
[Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't]: nope
[Met someone new]: uhh no
[Moved on]: more and more each day
[Talked to an ex]: yeah
[Missed an ex]: eh.. the idea of him
[Had a serious talk]: yeah
[Hugged someone]: yeah
[Fought with your parents]: nope
[Dreamed about someone you can't be with]:  no


[Boyfriend/Girlfriend]: single :-)
[Where is the best hangout]: at someones house
[Do you like being around people]: yes
[Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you]: yes hahaha
[Rather have a relationship or a "hookup"]: relationship
[Want someone you don't have right now]: yeah. i like him.
[Do you want to get married]: yes
[Do you want kids]:  yes

[What is your favorite part of your physical appearance]: my nose
[What is your favorite part of your emotional being]: i like to be there for people.

Short Answer
.: x hair color-  brown
.: x eye color-  brown
.: x height- 5’something
.: x short or long hair- medium
.: x prep, skater, jock, etc- prep
.: x teeth- beautiful

hows your summer?

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