Nov 29, 2005 10:17
wow schools a drag ok well its like 18 days till tinsel adn i want a fuckin date lol i got my dress i luv it anyways its brown and its a halter with sparkles i hope my one friend comes. any ways theres this bad rumor goin around about my friend kelsie and people are saying when her and mike were dating that at tinsel she gave him a blowjob when she would never do like fuckin pissed that people think that! any ways we went tinsel dress shopping friday and we had a bomb it was me kels shay ash nikki n tina i totally made them laugh there fin ass off lol bc i was acting so retard. ok theres this guy in my lunch and his name is nate and he acts like hes gay like hes got gay hand writing has mostly all girl friends and draws hearst n squiggles every where yesterday i decided to tell him that i think he should be a girl and he was mad but he really should every day in lunch he asks to use shays mirror and he checks his face i thinks its like disgusting guys shouldnt do that gr class is almost ovr and i still am bored well i luv 6 and 7 all the way razzinluv