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pocketsock September 11 2012, 09:44:37 UTC
Then I guess you'd better save up like crazy if you want to go to Japan for it's 5-star restaurants, with or without a Jun~ That country's standard of living is higher than ours omg, you're insane~
And their outdoors won't be that hot is we decide to go anytime except summer~
And if you're planning on going with me, we ARE going to outdoor places because Japan + Scenery = AMAZINGOMGWHATISTHIS!

vsarashi airs every thursday IN JAPAN but every monday on Channel U~ Though channel u episodes are that of 2 years ago, but it's not like those guys age so..... *shrugs*

Then again, the picture makes it seem like Nino gets younger....
wait, they do get younger #sigh my life

YOU HAVE A JOB INTERVIEW AT 445?? We're going to cash studios at orchard around 1 or 2... but then, they're thinking of making it thursday... hmmmmmmmm..

And there's a lot of Arashi vids you haven't watched, gurl~
But to make you watch everything, even a year won't be enough~ !! HAHHAHAHAHHHAHHAHA~


beachbottoms September 11 2012, 11:00:42 UTC
(our convo is breaking my layout lol)

groans do we really???? have to???? to go o u t ;AAA; but then again that's why we go overseas. ah i'll just have to get used to it but only bc the climate there > singapore. let's go there during the cherry blossom season pretty please /makes doe eyes at you/

ikr who the fuck has an interview at 445 jfc at macs some more. but one does crazy things when pining for a job so i can't complain. much.

can you let me know (via twitter would be faster lol/ lj is fine tho you have to tell me when you've posted your comment) when you guys have reached a confirmation about your karaoke outing? i'm flexible with the timing!

yes i am sorely aware of that fact prz do not be rubbing it in ma face lmao + i haven't fully caught up on my own fandom, what is life for me. i really want to watch their (recent) varieties tho i now admit that i have a thing for jun's hair ;AAA; cries


beachbottoms September 11 2012, 11:03:02 UTC
+ how r00d of me to totally miss out on commenting on nino's flawless/ timeless picture.

does he take anti aging pills or

10 years is a more than enough of a period to get wrinkles and pores etc.




pocketsock September 11 2012, 11:47:47 UTC
(our convo is longer than and not related at all to you post!)

I was thinking, of course we'll go during cherry blossoms season... then I think again, AraFes (my main aim should I go next year) might probably be around september-ish like this year... which means it'll be autumn instead of spring!! So the Sakura will be hibernating instead~ (Do trees hibernate?? I'm pretty sure even if they do, hibernate is not the term for it, right? right??) Oh well, *shrugs* There's also money and work issues to think about after all~

And what job are you applying for? Mac part-timer? Or does the interview just happened to be at mac??
Lol, by the looks of it, they may not even get it decided by today~ it might be thursday or postponed until further notice~ Is your interview wednesday or thursday?? (I got confused with the switching of days on both sides nyaaaa~)

You should think about properly investing on a harddisk and not waste up spaces by downloading stupid .ts and holy crap huge files!! (And maybe learn encoding too, my god! You're wasting the money you spent on your harddisk, I swear! It's like paying $20 for a plastic that you can fill as much candy as you want from a candy store and you use the WHOLE bag for marshmallows that are so huge and doesn't make way to any other candies!!)

And yes, how r00d of you to not comment on my Nino~~!!



beachbottoms September 11 2012, 12:16:35 UTC

so no sakura seasonnnnnnn (/o\) aiya nvm la as long as i step foot in japanese soil i'm happy already. lmao idk what's the correct term for it since i'm definitely not into trees (if i would that'd be a problem). ye like you said japan's quite costly so we need to save up a hefty amount for it.

nooope not applying to be a mac ptmer, the interview's held at the macs of the place. the job's a retail assistant so. and it's tomorrow ;u; anything's fine, if you want to save on your travel fare then you can meet me on the same day as your karaoke. but just make sure it happens before our interns start lmao.


what is this marshmallow logic i can't even. but it's okay i like marshmallows?? + encoding sounds like i need to rewire my harddisk or something. girl, this is why we are doing whatever we are doing in poly rn.




pocketsock September 13 2012, 06:00:11 UTC
lol, I was NOT on LJ yesterday~
wait, no. Technically I was, just not MY account~

Hahahahha, no sakura season on the first trip, maybe. But I'm planning to go at least 4 times, once per season. IDC about you, hahahhahah!! o(x___x)o

So how was the interview yesterday? Did it go well? Got the job?

Anyways, its decided that we'll meet on Friday~ We'll just go around and around and maybe find a nice stylish, cheap cafe or something to relax at~ Unless you have plans, but Singapore is boring so yeah~
You probably saw it when I ask on my twitter what do people generally do on dates in Singapore and the only responses that I got was eat, shopping and movie -____-"

We need a planetarium or Fruit park or something... or A FREAKING AFFORDABLE FOR LOCALS AMUSEMENT PARK (I have issues with USS in case you didnt know!)

Also, I've been trying to download the Sakumoto episode but it has something against me I swear! It ALWAYS self-destruct itself at the last minute I'm going to cry soon!!

And, and.... Have you seen this?!!

It's a JAL (Japan AirLines) billboard about a new class, which is Class J~ I have no idea what it is as of yet, but they have 2 freaking large sakumoto billboard for it, no fair~~~!! Can we have that at Changi Airport?!! I'd go there every day if Changi Airport has it~


beachbottoms September 13 2012, 13:35:50 UTC
haha then i suppose i'll just come with you during the sakura season since i've always wanted to look at the cherry blossoms! the job interview went okay, the interviewer was somewhat of a prick but i'll be put under probation as if next week. i'll be selling chocolates and tea, i think. wooots for me, yay!

seriously looking forward to tmr man, haven't met classmates for a long time already. and i could really use some company, my lifestyle is beginning to resemble one of a patient with depression. i have no specific plans whatsoever for tmr so i've a feeling we're going to wander aimlessly around town or enjoy some niceties in a quaint coffee place and catch up with life.

lol there isn't anything much to do here for a date here anw bc sg is too fucking small for any magic despite the landmarks and places of attraction. and wow those billboards. are huge. oh trust me, i think you'll move to changi airport if it houses those two gigantic boards. but well japan has everything, bc it rocks like that. can't say i'm jelly B( someone hammer toss me there right now pls and ty


pocketsock September 18 2012, 16:38:25 UTC
I am very pleased with our finding of the jelly drink shop and provence, or whatever their actual names are.
In case you dont already know, my memory's relationship with names, especially complicated non-Japanese ones, are a bit strained.
I'll get round to remembering them, since I like them a lot, which just means, if I'm not broke already from my spending at Kino, I'll hang out there after.

Also, despite my lack of appearance around the internet, I'm pretty sure you're aware that I'm still online.
I'm not even on twitter because I think twitter has something against some file hosting sites or vice versa.

But what I've been doing is lurking around the internet for cafes and hang-outs I'd deemed to go. Because heck, I'll admit it, provence-or-whats-its-name has restored hope in me that there are some decent shops in Singapore worth trying.

I intend to drag you to some of these places when we're both actually not broke, so expect more SakuMoto dates to come.
But you also ought to know already that I can be so lazy as crap (I'f say the f word because it fits the context but nahh) so we'll see how it goes.

Your rec post is still in the midst of being written and I'm really just stalling cos I'm lazy and speaking of broke, I just splurged on Arashi Concert Goods, and I think I'll go kill myself now.
When will we get that stupid reimbursement from school for our FYP? If Arashi releases a single, and I'm highly suspecting it oh god, I'll cry because it'll mean borrowing!

Also, other than researching on places I'd like to go in Singapore, I have a number for Japan. I think you'd enjoy this certain place I have in mind too. It's called Nikko Edomura or Edo Wonderland Nikko, and their site itself over here is just lovely. But you can check out the video if you're too lazy to check out a website on a park you won't be going anytime soon without luck. Youtube link

And maybe we could do some horseback riding too, only because I love making plans even if executing them will be tough shit, as well as it gives me the opportune to use this glorious .gif

Since you get a long post and a Prince J on a white horse, you're not getting any large, will destroy your LJ template further, picture.
I'm sorry about the long comment though. Hope it makes up for the overdue too. o('~')o


beachbottoms September 19 2012, 13:43:02 UTC
1. i'm supra glad you liked it! tbh it was my virgin experience patronizing both stores so i'm pretty happy i got to spend it with you ♥ i honestly didn't know Provence is a japanese bakery, always thought it was french haha. we can hang there again sometime, the atmosphere's nice for catching up or for just plain talking. i'm looking forward to more sakumoto dates (when we've both earned some decent income) and next time maybe you'll be the one dragging me around town and i'll be the clueless sap.

lmao yes i'm aware of your (ninja!) presence on twitter. wait twitter is against file sharing sites too? 4reals? crap.

cries we still haven't gotten any sort of information about the reimbursement. which is ridic bc other courses have already had theirs like ~2 weeks ago? lol wat, our lives. and i understand, fandom makes us do crazy things like splurging even though we're shitass broke as fuck (idek how that's even possible in itself) i'm already borrowing money from someone for an upcoming concert. jfc


me + outdoors = nay

so what makes you think that

me + horseback riding = yay

(i'd take that gif tho ty ehe) alright, for you i shall check out the website + video but! only bc it's you. be honoured, cry for me etc

i appreciate your effort in drawing up this comment, no one has ever done this much before lol. my lj bows down to you.


pocketsock September 19 2012, 16:30:51 UTC
I realized, my style of writing is quite different in the previous one than the others before it. This probably has to do with my renewed obsession with novels, that I've been frequenting the library more often than the last two school years put together. Which doesn't really say very much, to be honest. But it's influencing my style of writing, so oh well.

All this interests is coming in at weird timings, I swear. First, the books, then the cafes, then just finding places I'd like to go to in Japan/Singapore in general. I'm not even sure how these ideas get into my head. It might be due to this being my last teenage summer, but it's already autumn. Or maybe this is my step towards adulthood no, I shan't even go down this path, it's ridiculous

Well, I didn't even know Provence bakery existed to even think it was french. Then again, I practically come from another planet entirely, so my thoughts can even be deemed anywhere near reliable.
But provence really hit the spot. I was telling you, right after we brought the drinks, that each kiosk ought to have their own seating area, right? They should really learn from provence!! o(x____x)o

And omg, the other courses received their reinbursements already? Are you for real? Is it because half the course is overseas that they delayed everyone's? o(TT____TT)o

But then again, there's a possibility my holiday will be cut short and I'll be starting internship next week instead. This is what I get for calling the organization, but I don't really see it as a downside. At least, I can have more savings for an Arashi release as well as Perfume's concert in Singapore<3

And what's wrong with horseback riding? It's not like you'll have to make the horse gallop around. Plus, if it's in Japan, I doubt the weather will be as torturous as ours~ Unless we go during summer, so we shan't.

You have got to open yourselves up to new experiences! I'm not paying $600 air ticket to go to Japan for sceneries ONLY! Well, I'm dragging you along nonetheless, but if you choose to just seat by the benches, it's your loss! And horses are cute!!

But anyhow, what do you think of the place? Have you checked out the site? It's interesting, isn't it?


beachbottoms September 20 2012, 18:15:27 UTC

(since you've been supplying me with endless entertainment in the form of your gifs, i shall return the favour haha + this gif portrays my feelings after reading the website ehe I AM SO P S Y C H E D)

edo wonderland sounds magical, i don't mind going for their theatre performances. the ninja theatre looks appealing to me so i might check it out when we're there. i'm fine with horseback riding as long as the horse doesn't hate me and my vagina isn't sore from too much humping lol. nice to hear you've been hitting the books, funny how we find the motivation to do these things after school has ended lmao. your sudden fascination with the aforementioned may be attributed to the fact that it is the holidays rn and you're pretty much free to do whatever you want.

aw come on, Provence sounds french okay. the sign was practically romancing us

YES OTHER COURSES HAVE ALREADY GOTTEN THEIR REIMBURSEMENTS. idk if it has anything to do with half the course's asses over at the other side of the universe, but i hope they'd return us the money before our internship. speaking of which, why did they want you to start earlier? it's 3 weeks earlier iirc. but that's good tho, the sooner we earn money, the sooner we'll get to satisfy our fangirl needs.


pocketsock September 21 2012, 16:39:21 UTC
Why you never reply at the comment below, now it looks awkward. I'm going to reply there, so you reply after that, otherwise I will ditch you IDC!


pocketsock September 20 2012, 04:39:33 UTC
Goodness, this ^^ Sho.gif is quite very addictive! o(x_______x)o


pocketsock September 21 2012, 16:55:28 UTC
#sigh replying my own comment and looking like a fool because sometimes you totally act like an idiot o('n')o

Ahhhhhh~~ I just watched this JDrama, and I have a new Johny crush and its frustrating because he heasn't debuted and there's very little works, or rather none except what I just watched, that he is in so far, guaaaaaaahhhhh!!


This is partly why I am not into Johnny's Jr.!!!! But that show was nice and sweet and I was recommended and #sigh

Ok, I shall distract myself my replying your comment~

Who is that in the .gif?
Why are you supplying me with a .gif I don't get?
And what on earth is he even trying to do, what is that? Magic?

Hahhahahahahhahahah, ok, jk.
I'll appreciate his effort and praise his ability to even get giffed! (Being bitchy here, woah!)

Edo, in case you didn't know, was a period in Japan. Like how China has the Ming Dynasty or somethingsomething. Edo, as my dad calls it, is the Samurai and Ninja era seriously, dad?!. I think I would really like to get changed into their outfits, walk around the streets leisurely, taste some of the food or something. I'm really more interested in their every day life, but if that ninja training is available for "adults", I'd want it too~!! (Sadly, it's not o(TT___TT)o)

By the way, how do you even know if the other courses has gotten their reinbursements? You're making me want to call Ms. Geraldine up (that's her name, right? I told you I'm bad with names!)!!

And yes, Arashi just released an Album, and it'll cost me $50 so I'll appreciate it very much if I at least get $50 back from school before I feel totally poor and miserable out of my wits during my no-income holiday.

Especially since for who know what reason, my internship organization decided they'll just stick to the original date and have me start my intern on the 15th. I feel way more broke than I should be feeling now!

Also, this:


Just because I need to get out of my crush who's only 17-years-old but I don't have a concept of me being 19 at all, so I'm crushing over him like he's my age or something. #sigh If only All male artists that had and will has as much info as debued Johnnys artists~ (<--unfair but oh well)

Totally distracted by AraFes and New Johnny Crush now~ #sigh
(And this comment has too many #sighs)

P.S. I found out his birthday is just one day after Nino's!! WHAT IS THIS?!!! o(@.@)o


beachbottoms September 22 2012, 17:56:59 UTC
1. i didn't feel the need to separate my comment into two parts bc a) ehem layout and b) it's more convenient. but okay i apologise i didn't mean to offend you.

2. okayyyy this is a rare occasion where you obsess over someone who's younger than you. i'm not one who'd go for young blood and honestly i didn't think you would, so this is a surprise.

3. the clown in the gif is my bias, sadly. he's not really entertaining you with whatever little attempt at magic as much as he's virtually shoving his hands in your face. either i need more gifs or i need to exercise how i use them

3a. yes that was bitchy!!!111!!!1 oh my guh i h8 uuuu!1!1 neh jk

4. speaking of that lifestyle, why don't we have a homestay at someone's house? i'm sure you know some japanese arashi fans? then it'll be more fun for you bc you'll have someone to fangirl with and not just stuck with me throughout your entire holiday

5. i knew about the reimbursements bc friends from other courses were tweeting about it. lmao funny how news travel faster on the internetz. yup you got her name right, better threaten that lady/ ms chang or else we might never get our moolah back

5a. i don't get how an album is $50. but if you think it's worth it, then go get it! (i've a feeling you're going to list down the tracklist + what's in the album)

6. wtaf ficklemuch? and you're not getting a job in the meantime?


p.s yes that was waayyy too much usage of #sigh

(and this is quickly turning into a gif party and i'm all down for parties yo):


pocketsock September 23 2012, 12:30:27 UTC
LOL, you're just suppose to reply the second one, not seperate them~

AND OMG I KNOW!! I don't even go fo younger guys, but then Nino doesn't look his age, and my perception of my age stopped at 16, so it's like 17 or older is acceptable, which is just weird, and I have to change that, but 17 year-olds look like they're 20+ sometimes and a 29 year-old looks 17 all the time (Nino!!) so my brain is just screwed, end of story! Hahahahhahaha!! #Johnnys!

And I don't have a hand fetish. I have an arm, neck, or suit fetish more, so shoving hands at my face is rude because U dUn waNnA tALk t0 m3!1!!!1!!1 lolwut?!

Hmm... I'm quite a loner, though, so I don't even have that much of friends. HAHAAHHAHAHAH!! But I know some fans, but they don't leave in Tokyo, so we'll have to see first~ And then there's also my cousin's wife, who's a Japanese, but her parent's home in Japan is in Nagoya instead, so idk~ And I'm not sure if my mum will be tagging along on OUR trip or not either! Hahahahha!!

I'll probably call her once my AraFes concert goods reached me, so that I can use the money to pay for that instead of touching me savings~ And $50 is cheaper than usual. Usually they'd be $60++ but this is a Japanese, full-length (16tracks-ish) album we're talking about. Japanese singles/albums/dvds are just way more expensive than korean ones because of their standard of living, lets face it.

And my parents are anooying if I even try to get a job, so I'll spare myself the unnecessary troublesome stuff and remain poor the rest of the holidays~

Oh and apparently, Sho said "This is My DJ MJ" or something like that after the deejay-ing, so all the SakuMoto shippers have gone crazy~ HAHHAHAHAHHAH!!

And I didn't use #sigh at all in this comment! (Except if you count that one, but it shouldn't be counted at all!!)

P.S. My fandom name has just shifted from Arashic/Arashian to Arashisuto/Arashist because MatsuJun went "As expected of Arashisuto" in a Jweb (something like blog to fans) just today. Nobody got it, but we're assuming its our official fandom name now, IDKY!! *shrugs*


Bonus points if you can guess how the gif came about~


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