Apr 25, 2006 22:26
Thanks for interviewing me Axle. It gives me a sense of purpose in my life.
1) Whats your favorite memory of us together?
We had a couple and I can't really pick. So I'll say both. Helping you pack up your room when you were moving to the apartment was really fun. I felt like I got to know you a lot by going through all your stuff. It was like Room Raiders except you were there to explain everything to me and I really liked it. Also I remember telling you I liked your Spongebob pillow or poster or something and you said "He's a class act, that Spongebob" and I laughed for like a half hour because I'm an idiot.
My 2nd favorite was one night when we were hanging out and basically doing nothing and we just went to McDonald's and you told me a lot of stuff about your family and your friends and I got to know you a lot. I felt very priviledged.
There were more times. We had some good times Axle.
2) You get 3 songs to listen to for the rest of your life, what are they?
Everlong by the Foo Fighters
Hopeless by the Wrens
Your Hand in Mine by Explosions in the Sky
3) What do you think is your worst quality?
My annoyingness? I talk too much about being fat. I talk too much about myself in general. I think I'm just obnoxious sometimes. I'm pretty sure.
4) What is something that you pride yourself in that most people wouldn't know about?
I pride myself on inventing the position of Track Mom my senior year on track. It's kind of weird but I really loved my little track daughters, and we really were like a family. When I came home on Winter Break after my 1st semester, they all ran to me crying and hugging me... it was one of the most rewarding experiences. I started crying too. I really felt respected and loved, like a true role model. The girls still call me and IM me to tell me how much they miss me and how no one will ever be able to replace me as Track Mom. I really did take care of them, I loved them. Of course I took care of them so much because I truly enjoyed it, but knowing how much they appreciated it made it even better.
5) What does your ideal night consist of?
Good friends, good food, and laughing til my stomach hurts and I'm crying. I'm simple. I love hanging out in my basement with the girls, being catty, playing guess and check, or acting completely insane. I can have tons of fun with other people chilling, watching tv, drinking, but nothing feels quite like a side-splitting night with the girls I've known since elementary school. We have never even gotten drunk together (prom aside) because there is no need. We intoxicate each other naturally.
Anyway friends. I'll interview you if you ask, too. Just comment. Thanks dudes.
I don't want to leave school. I suck and am a nerd.