Apr 03, 2006 18:06
So I'm a sister of Gamma Phi Beta. Hell Night sucked. But I crossed, and I celebrated by getting trashed. It was fun. I like my big brothers. They're fun. And attractive. My crossover party was with TKE which kind of sucked because they're kind of a guido frat. Whatever. I was drunk so it didn't matter.
I don't know if it's worth all the shit I went through yet. I'm just so glad it's over. It's been fun this weekend. Crazy busy with Greek Week, but really fun. We have a party with PiLam on Thursday which I'm excited for because that's my big brother's frat, and he said he's going to give me presents and buy me drinks. Sweetness.
I really like my Big Sister now that I crossed. I thought she was kind of a ditz before and I thought she didn't care about me. But now that we hang out and don't just talk about pledging, I can see that we have a lot in common and my Pledge Mom matched us well.
Anyway. Enough GPhi crizzap. More important matters: Dr. Pepper came out with another ridiculous beverage, and I love it. Diet Berries & Cream Dr. Pepper. Sounds nasty, smells like medicine, but actually tastes delectable. I like how Dr. Pepper just makes milkshake-flavored soda now. It's cute. P.S. I'm obsessed with iced coffee from Dunkin' Donuts because it's so down the block. I'm going to gain 90000000000000 pounds.
I'm visiting the Wag Friday. Prepare yourselves for some serious lovemaking, Wagnerites.