2015 is a new year...

Dec 23, 2014 07:00

I was sitting at work today and I realized how much I missed having a sense of accountability that I had through LiveJournal three years ago. I want to be thin again. More than that, I want to reprogram how I live. For years I have fought with, struggled against, and caved to my eating disorder.

Daily, I hear the whisper of "why are you eating?" and "I can't believe how fat you are" from my own internal struggle. I know thinspo is wrong and triggering but I can't help but look at it. It's a daily struggle for me to be happy in my own skin. I don't want to struggle any more. I want to change myself.

I am pledging to myself and to this journal that I will post daily and I will track my goals.

My Plan for 2015

* New sneakers (getting them tonight!)
* A good scale (that is honest in it's representation of my weight)
* A gel-memory foam mattress topper (so that I can sleep at night)

Daily goals:
x  Track all calories and water intatke
x  NO Coffee
x  NO Soda
x  Yoga x3 a week
x  Walk/Run x3 a week (prep for half marathon)
x  Bike every Sunday
x  Stand up/Sit up straight (work on my posture)
x  99 crunches each night: 33 each oblique and 33 foward
x  post to LJ each day

Dietary goals
x  Drink 2.2 liters of water a day (may substitue 16 ounces for tea with honey)
x 1200 kcal a day (NO more)
x  Snacks should be as close to zero calorie foods as possible

Weight goals:
Current weight: 165
[ ] 160 lbs
[ ] 155 lbs
[ ] 150 lbs
[ ] 145 lbs
[ ] 140 lbs
[ ] 135 lbs
[ ] 130 lbs
[ ] 125 lbs
[ ] 120 lbs
[ ] 115 lbs

thinspo, thin, fitspo, dietary, goals, 2015, diet, plan

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