Aug 06, 2005 17:18
Today my mouth hurt really bad...still does in fact. I woke up this morning and could barely even talk my mouth hurt so bad. Oh, and just for the record...Advil DOES NOT work. I couldn't get to sleep last night till like 3am... I woke up this morning at like 11:56 and then I tried to eat something because I was starving. I only ate eggs though, I couldn't take the pain of eating something else...=( Yeah, so then I started reading some more of Fast Food Nation which happens to be the most boring book I have ever read. After that I watched Jurassic And since then I have been taking a shower and laying on my bed...while listening to classical music.
We are going to one of my dad's co-worker's house for dinner tonight. He said they have a huge house, a pool, and they live almost right by lake alatoona(sp?). They live on 15 acres of land. I guess he told me that because when I see a big house I tend to stare at it and not hear anything going on around it's a good thing he warned me before hand... lol...
<3 Kelsey