Jan 06, 2010 12:45
In 2009 I've:
[x] been to school
[ ] fallen out of love
[x] laughed until you cried
[ ] cried over an ex.
[x] hidden a secret
[x] pretended to be happy
[ ] been arrested
[x] pretended to be sick
[x] left the state
[ ] almost died
[x] been to the hospital
[x] gotten close to someone
[x (online)] talked on the phone all night
[x] had fun
[x] drank Starbucks
[x] bought something
[x] hugged someone
[x] got a job
[ ] had your heart broken
[x] broken somebody's heart
[x] liked someone
[x] celebrated Halloween
[ ] gotten pregnant
[x] told someone you were busy when you weren't
[x] stayed up til sunrise
[x] cried over the silliest thing
High point of the year? Cali/Chicagi, seeing Yams, meeting new people
Low point of the year? nov...DRAAAAMMMAAAAA
What date(s) from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? Jan 13, March 14-16, May 8-14, Dec 2, Dec 29- my 21st bday, cali and chicago weddings, Alex
Compared to this time last year are you:
[a] Fatter or thinner? Ah, thinner...by wayyy too much!
[b] Happier or sadder? pretty much the same.
[c] Richer or poorer? Richer...until may anyway
Your song for 2009: can't pick one
Book of the year? world war Z
What are your plans for next year? Med school somewhere...
Biggest change of the year? Alex though Aaron is a close 2nd
Do you think 2010 will be a better year than 2009? I don't know, a lot of things will change.
Did you go to a concert? Goo Goo Dolls
Did you leave the country? Nope.
Did you have a good birthday? Hell yes 21st!
Did anyone in your family get married? My cousin, and also about 459870632940 people that I'm not related to.
Who do you think you were on the phone with the most? Aim or my mom
Did you change your AIM profile over 10 times? probably more like 4-5 times.
Do you think you will make new friends in 2010? Definititely.
Where were you when 2009 began? Amy/ Lauren's Apt.
Where will you be when 2009 ends? Motor city casino sound board.
What was your favorite record from 2009? can't decide
Did you have a favorite concert in 2009? Tilly
Are you going to kiss someone when the ball drops? yup yup
What did you drink and eat the most? Coffee. quesadillas
Had a first something? Lots of things.
Liked someone who didn't like you? nope
Got bad grades? Nope
Kissed in the rain? Nope
Went swimming? Yes
Read a book? Or lots
Been drunk? si
Stayed over at someones house? Yes
Have you had your picture taken? Yes