wow that is a really fucking ugly picture. and why are you going to vegas with amy and sydney. oh my god you are fucking obsessed with them! you do every thing like them and with them! do something for yourself for a change, be your own person! they also need their own life with out you in it! think about it, take a second, bing (lightbulb)yeah you should try it sometime!
wow...what a fucker.... you are just jealous becuase lindsay has friends and you dont.....and you arent even brave to say who you are.....and lindsay does do things on her are a really big WAS ORUR PARENTS IDEA TO GO TO VEGAS TOGETHER!
wow! you need to get a life..all you do is comment being an asshole on lindsays lj..why on her lj..i mean lindsay is one of the greatest people ever...if you dont like lindsay (i dont see why you wouldnt) keep it to yourself! no one else wants to hear get a fuckin life..dont takr your problems out on other people!
lindsay, i love you so much..dont let this asshole bother you..they are just jeolous because they dont get to go to vegas with us..haha i love you linds..
amy y would u htink that i rote that on lindsays lj???? that is really rude...but yeah i am mad that u guys r going 2 vegas 2gether and wont stop talking about it but i would never rite that on lindsays lj. w/e but i heart u and linz
well...yeah there sorta is cuz u guys talk about it 24-7 about going 2 vegas 2gether and u r ganna be going shopping and everything and i am just ganna be sitting home prob doing nothing because my best frinds r on vacation 2gether...
im sorry nat but incase you didnt was our parents who planned the trip. thats not out shouldnt get mad at us because our parents planned a trip at the same time! im sorry nat..dont be mad! and the only reason we talk about it (not 24-7) is because we are know that if you were going together that you would do the same thing. once again..IM SORRY!
Comments 12
i love you
lindsay, i love you so much..dont let this asshole bother you..they are just jeolous because they dont get to go to vegas with us..haha i love you linds..
i love you so much! xox
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