Nov 18, 2004 16:34
alright so for the past couple of days i have been babysitting, having babies at my house, going to school /which pretty much sux right now/, shopping and just hanging out with my awsome friends. seriously i could not ask for better friends. you know who you are and you know why i love you *till death do us all part* <3
i never know what to talk about on my live journal. well my life is pretty good i re-doing my room for hannukka *however you spell it i never spell it right!* and winter break and spring break are comming up i cant wait for spring break when we go to washington. im really excited..its supposed to be so much fun!
i need to take i can post them on my livejournal and get peoples attention.
ttyl kinda hyper incase you didnt already figure that one out :::
--> stinkeroo_*slang* plural noun meaning one that is contemptible, disgusting, irritating, or very bad <--
lol how cool is that!? <3 you are so funny rosen <3