sorry had nothing better to do everyone is at school!!

Feb 23, 2005 14:44

[sexual orientation:]
[in a relationship now (how long):]
[how long since last serious relationship:]
[# of relationships longer than 3 months:]
[# of relationships shorter than a month:]
[longest relationship how many months:]
[ever lived with a girlfriend/boyfriend (how many):]
[ever done the long distance thing:]
[do you have faith in long distance relationships:]
[do you date:]
[on dates do you pay or get paid for:]
[describe your typical date:]
[ever been on a blind date:]
[ever dated more than one person at a time:]
[do you call or get called:]
[ever have "friends with benefits":]
[ever cheated:]
[ever had your heart broken:]
[ever been dumped:]
[do you put out the first night:]
[number of people slept with:]
[do you kiss on the first date:]
[what kind of person gets your number:]
[what attracts you to a person:]
[physical traits you turn your head for:]
[ever been in love(how many times):]
[say I love you even thou you didn't mean it:]
[have any bitter ex's:]
[bitter towards any ex's:]
[oldest person you've dated:]
[youngest person you've dated:]
[average age you get involved with:]
[have relationships changed you:]
[have your relationships been worthwhile:]
[where do you normally meet people for dating or relationships:]
[what defines a girlfriend/boyfriend :]
[would you ever get married:]
[key to a successful relationship:]
[best attribute you bring to a relationship:]
[worst attribute you bring to a relationship:]
[importance of relationships in your life:]
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