Oct 18, 2005 13:56
10 bands (artists?) you've been listening to lately:
10)lynyrd skynyrd
9) james taylor
8) jimmy eat world
7) CCR
6) led zep
5) paul simon
4) tom petty
3) g. love and the special sauce
2) hanson
1) squeeze
9 things you look forward to:
9) the wedding this weekend
8) NYC on thursday
7) seeing shiela again
5) thanksgiving
4) going to the gym tonight(it will feel good)
3) going on a date <3
2) becoming a better photographer
1) getting into VC
8 things you like to wear:
8) jeans with the paint on them(i put it there)
7) reefs
6) funky ass jewelry
5) blazers
4) long funky scarves
3) rings that mean stuff to me
2) layers
1) a smile (bah ha ha ha...)
7 things that annoy you:
7) having no free time
6) when my ipod dies
5) rainy cold days when i have to go outside
4) when my room smells bad for no reason
3) when people take the fun out of art!!!
2) not having clothes i like
1) achy backs
6 things that you say the most:
6) yoooo
5) ohhh really?
4) oh yeah, i bet
3) friggin sweet
2) ohh SHIT
1) no friggin way
5 things you do everyday:
5) check my email 100 times
4) nap
3) clean up SOMETHING
2) think about doing art
1) eat a granola bar
4 people you want to spend more time with:
4) VC people i like (virginia, jessie, jill k, etc)
3) anne & emily <3
2) sheeeeeila
1) pencader E people in general
3 movies you could watch over and over again:
3) supertroopers
2) the emperors new groove
1) garden state
2 of your favorite songs at the moment:
2) tush-zz top
1) lookin out my back door-CCR
1 person you could spend the rest of your life with:
1) <3 <3 <3 haha....