(no subject)

Mar 02, 2005 01:54

* Birthday: AUGUST 23, 1990
* School: H0MESK00L
* E-mail: N0 C0MMENT
* Hair: BR0WN/BL0NDE
* Height: 5"3
* Shoe Size: 7,7 1/2
* Who lives with you: MY M0M & 2 BR0THER`S
* When is your bedtime?: WHEN i FALL ASLEEP

------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
* Flown on a plane: YEAP
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: YEA MWAHAHAHA
* Missed school because it was raining: ACTUALLY YES LOL
* Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: YEAP
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: MY HAND =D
* Had a crush on a friends girlfriend/boyfriend: YEAS, BUT i G0T 0VER iT
* Been hurt emotionally: UHH HUH
* Kept a secret from everyone: UHM D0NT THiNK S0
* Had an imaginary friend: YESS!
* Ever thought an animated character was hot?: CAN`T SAY i HAVE
* Been on stage: HECK YEA
* Cut your hair: LiKE A WEEK AG0
* Had crush on a teacher?: N0PE S0RRY

------------ FAVORETS -----------------------------------------------------------
*Fav Color: PiNK
* Day/Night: NiGHT
* Summer/Winter: SUMMER
* Lace or Satin: SATiN
* Cartoon Character: D0RA
* Fave Food: YUM F00D`S
* Fave Advertisement: HECK iF i KN0
* Fave Drink: i0N0
* Person to talk to online: ERiCA
* Fave sport: football & baseball & racing
* Fave Car: F-150 (quad cab) 0R NiSSAN TiTAN (quad cab)
* Fave sports stars: N0T QUiTE SURE...

-----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: iAN`S B0XER`S , ViCT0RiA`S SECRET T0P
* Drinking: WATER & MiLK
* Thinkin bout: iAN
* Listening to: DEGRASSi (on tv)

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
* Cried: YEAS =\
* Worn jeans: N0PE , BEEN A SCRUB PAiNTiNG
* Met someone New online: CAN`T SAY i HAVE
* Done laundry: N0PE
* Drove a car: UH N0
* Talked on the phone: YES T0 iAN
* Kissed someone: N0PE , N0T ALL DAY =\
* Said "I love you": YES !

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
* Yourself: AT TiMES
* Your friends: YES
* Santa Claus: HELL YEA
* Tooth Fairy: WH0 D0ESN`T
* Destiny/Fate: SURE
* Angels: UH HUH
* Ghosts: YiKES! YES
* UFO's: i GUESS
* God: YEP YEP

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you ever wish you had another name? HELL YEA, MY NAME iS DUMB
* Do you like anyone? YES, MY BOYFRiEND, iAN
* Which one of your friends acts the most like you? STEPHANiE
* Who have you known the longest of your friends: ERiN
* Who's the loudest: ME
* Who's the shyest: UHM i0N0, N0 0NE
* Are you close to any family members? ERiN
* Who's the weirdest?: ERiN x40973894523906
* Who do you go to for stuff? UHM I0N0
* Who do you hang out with the most? iAN
* When you cried the most: T0DAY
* What's the best feeling in the world: WHEN Y0U L0VE S0ME0NE & THEY L0VE Y0U BACK
* Worst Feeling: WHEN PE0PLE D0N`T LiKE Y0U
* Do you want all your friends to do this and send it back to you: i WiSH, BUT THEY W0N`T (hint hint)
* What time is it now? 1:54AM

Finish each sentence:

Let's walk in the: FiELD
Let's run through: RAiN
Let's look at the: LAKE
What a nice: HiLL
Where did all these: CL0THES C0ME FR0M
When will they: DRY
How are: T0DAY
Why can't you: TAKE ME MUDDiN
Silly, little: RETARD ?
the sky is: PRETTY
Tell me: A ST0RY
Hide me: FR0M A ST0RM
Love me: F0REVER


1. Kissed your cousin: iM FR0M WEST ViRGiNiA, LMAO BUT N0
2. Ran away: YEA, MY BACKYARD =)
3. Pictured your crush naked: HELL YEA
4. skipped school: YEP
5. Broken someone's heart: MAYBE
6. Been in love: STiLL AM
7. Cried when someone died: YES
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: UHH N0T SURE
10. Done something embarrassing: DUH
11. Done a drug: YEAP
12. Cried in school: YES =\

13. Coke or Pepsi: C0KE
14. Sprite or 7UP: B0TH
15. Girls or Guys: GUYS = N0 DRAMA
17. Scruff or Clean shaved: CLEAN
18. Blondes or Brunettes: B0TH
19. Bitchy or Slutty: NEiTHER
20. Tall or Short: MEDiUM
21. Pants or Shorts: DEPENDS 0N THE WEATHER
22. Night or Day: NiGHT

23. What do you notice first: THEiR EYE`S
24. Last person you slow danced with: iAN
25. Worst Question To Ask: WHAT ARE Y0U THiNKiNG AB0UT

26. Showered: 5 MiN`S AG0
27. Stepped outside: EARLiER
28. Had Sex: =\ SATURDAY
29. Romantic memory: VALENTiNE`S DAY

30. Your Good Luck Charm: MY W0RLD
31. Person You Hate Most: N0 FUCKiNG C0MMENT YA`LL
32. Best Thing That Has Happened: iAN
33. On your desk: SUNFL0WER SEED`S & CUP FULL 0F SHELL`S
34. Picture on your desktop: A BEACH
35. Color: PiNK
37. Artist: UHM iAN LMAO
38. Cars: F-150 (quad cab) 0R NiSSAN TiTAN (quad cab)
39. Ice Cream: 0RE0
40. Food: YUMMY F00D`S

42. Makes you laugh the most: iAN
43. Makes you smile: iAN
44. Can make you feel better no mattter what: iAN
45. Has A Crush On You: iAN
46. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: iAM
47.Who has it easier? Girls or Guys?: GUY`S

49. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: LiKE RiGHT N0W
50. Save AIM conversations: iF iT`S W0RTH iT
51. Save E-mails: iF iT`S W0RTH iT
52. Forward secret E-mails: UHHHHH
53. Wish you were someone else: N0PE
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: MWAHAHA YES, JAYKAY
55. Wear perfume: YES
56. Kiss: YES !
57. Cuddle: L0VE iT
58. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: MAYBE iF i AM THAT B0RED
59. Fallen for your best friend?: UHH YEA
60. Made out with JUST a friend?: N0
61. Kissed two people in the same day?: UHH PLAYiN TRUTH 0R DARE / DRUNK
62. Had sex with two different people in the same day?: N0 N0 N0 N0 N0
63. Been rejected: UHH
64. Been in love?: YES, & i AM RiGHT N0W
65. Been in lust?: UH WHAT`S THAT
66. Used someone?: N0T REALLY
67. Been used?: D0NT KN0
68. Cheated on someone?: N0 WAY
69. Been cheated on?: D0NT THiNK S0
70. Been kissed?: YES
71. Done something you regret?: YEA =\

72. You touched?: MY M0M
73. You talked to?: iAN
74. You hugged?: M0M
75. you instant messaged?: ERiCA
76. You kissed?: iAN
77. You yelled at?: MY BR0THER
78. You thought about?: iAN
79. Who text messaged you?: ERiN
80. Who broke your heart?: N0 0NE
81. who told you they loved you?: iAN

82. Color your hair? HiGHLiGHT
83. Have tattoos?: N00000 0WWY
84. Have piercings?: EAR`S
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: YES, iAN
86. Own a webcam?: N0PE
87. Own a thong?: HELL YEAAAA
88. Ever get off the damn computer? YEA
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: S0ME
90. Habla espanol?: SEE ?? LMA0 i CAN`T SPELL
91. Quack?: UHM N0

92. Stolen anything?: N0
93. Smoke?: YEA
94. Schizophrenic?: WTF
95. Obsessive?: S0METiMES
96. Compulsive?: 0NLY A LiTTLE BiT
97. Obsessive compulsive? HEHE
98. Panic?: YEA
99. Anxiety?: YEA
100.Depressed?: N0T ANYM0RE
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