You know what really honks my horn? it is when ppl listen to crap,make a judgement about you, go about there life and never even bother to ask you if it was true!!!!! Oh! and the best part is there are suppose to LOVE you, YEAH RIGHT
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I respect what you are saying, but please know I am the least likely person to be paranoid.I base my conclusions on actions. If anyone knows anything about me it is I speak my mind and I speak the "truth" even when it hurts or risks everything.
I know it might sound like I'm mad, but I think it is more hurt. I'm not mad at all. I have no energy for that. I just wish people were just honest. I also wish that when we as christians are honest with each other we would know how to respond in a mature way. Not responding at all is just avoiding the problem and let me tell ya it doesn't just go away.
Sometimes I feel bad for some kids who I know are hurting and what they need is so much bigger than my problems with "whoever" but I can't focus on them or what they need because we christians keep getting in our own way.
I don't want to be accused of trying to "do" anything to the church by helping them, but know if I love anybody it's you guys!
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