Apr 03, 2005 23:47
Hey people wats up omg this weekend was by far the best lol !!!! ... ok listen friday at school was pretty fun ...i guess but then after school *SarA* LenA*KristinA*and I* lol were just hangin out around the school then we(all of us lol) saw kris's lover so lena and i took a walk over to the gas station with a picture fone lol and we got a pic of him we said a few thing then we walked away then *AndreW* lena's bf was o so kind and picked us up and droped us off at the mall ... of course he came too ...then they ate (we saw *AdaM*DannY*and others lol i 4 got his name ..my bad...yah so we talked to them while lena got half a sub kristina got mexican stuff and i watched and then i saw * JorgE*ThabO*and this kid MatT* that was fun ... jorge was playing with a psp(FAKE PICE OF CARBORD lol i thought it was real!) then i saw *ShawN*(not my bro) and *MikE* and this kid GEO or GINO onee of thoes lol ...and they had money and so i took it 10$ but im so nice so i gave it back to them !!!! duh !!!! lol then we (me and sara) left lena and kristina and walked around ....then we got a rid from her dad !!! and jorge thabo and matt came with us!! then we chilled with luke all the ppl who were in the car except her dad lol and like every1 kept takin pics of me !!!! omg how fuked up !! then we went to saras cuz the went to the movies and we chilled at her house and went ot cvs (i almost got hit by a bus ...stupid me i no )then luke came over and also andrea ..... then luke left so me andrea and sara ofcourse went to jayme's house and jennifer and christy were there so we went walking around the n/h then we went back to jaymes house and went swiming !!!!then we (me and sara) went back to saras house and like chilled and then went to sleep i woke up rele early and yah as i always do !!! ... then she did i took a shower and then she did then we just talked and then kristina kame over and we went walkin around the n/h and it was raining so we put on our bathin suits (*CUTE*)and then we went on frank's trampoline and then we went into kris's house and lena kept"sneakin" out lol wat a weirdo and then her and andrew (witch we didnt no andrew went in) went into kris's room and lena jumped on kris's and put her into the closet and andrew grabed her and so kristna screamed so i screamd lol we were both scared lol !!!! yah all this is a lil out of order lol !!!but i slept over 2 times in a row ok and if ur like me u forget wat day u did wat!!! lol yah but we hung out kristina slept over and we watched euro trip ...its sooo funny !!! and nicole came over one of the like 3 days lol yah and we walked to uhhhh cvs and kristina picked up a stick holly shit was that a funny freakin site lol !!!the we also got scooters lol yah but now im getting confused lol so im going to go lol
'bye bye'
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