Apr 06, 2004 20:28
hey it could happen!
well today was O.K
i didnt see friends so it was comme si comme sa.
I went to baja grill for some bits and mm mm good it was.
Then me and Me madre went to Roosevelt feild mall for some good shopping,
turns out i was the one that had the bad shopping. I bought hollister capris which
fit O.K. And my johnny depp tee.
I cut my toe in American Eagle like SLICE!
It hurt so we had to leave.
But im pretty ok and im buying a manual treadmill with my own money bc i know im too lazy to go outside and get harassed by the landscapers everyday bc my block is also lazy and gets rapists to do their lawn.
Tomorrow- fishing with melissa like on a BIG WOODEN SHIP...this'll be an expeirience!
So much fun hellz yeah!
my teeth hurt everyday....damn dentists.
Well heres a fun survey that took me like 6 weeks to fill out bc i kept deleting it by accident so itll linger..
1. First name: Kate
2. Middle name: Nicole
3. Last name: Meyn, Bordeaux, DEPP
4. Nickname(s): Kate the bate, Kates, K-kat, Special K, Kitkat, Kiki
5. Screen names: Toes x on thenose, lost in lustx
6. Gender: female
7. Age: 15
8. Type of Music: punk/hiphop/pop/CLOCKS/various
9. Birthdate: 1.6.89 ^_^
11. Zodiac sign: Cappy [capricorn]
12. Current Location: Smithtown
13. Live with:Mom and gram :p
14. Name of current school:Happy Hog High School
15. Grade/Year: 9th
16. Graduation date/year: 2007
17. GPA: 2.5?
18. Height: 5 6
19. Hair color: blonde
20. Highlights/dyed: um...lightened?
21. Hair length:Ass
22. Eye color: Honey brown baby
23. Contacts/glasses: neither
25. Birthmark(s): a little on my elbow, and behind my knee
26. Scar(s): under my chin, all over my back from horse, knees, and hands from cats
27. Type(s) of clothes you wear:Abercrombie, Hollister, American eagle, Pacsun[occ.] hot topic[occ.] ViCToRIA's SeCREt
28. Cologne/Perfume you wear:I get all histaminey
29. Deodorant you use: teen spirt CaRIbbEAn ScEnt bc im a pirate P. )
30. Mom's name: Janet
31. Dad's name: who cares?
33. Closest family member: Morgan, abby, jenna
34. Family member you could live without: Dad.
35. Last family member you've seen: Morgan, abby, jenna
36. Oldest: Gram
37. Youngest: Abby and jenna
38. Family member who lives the farthest away: Grampa in heaven
39. Fondest memory: WItH Morg and val!
40. Memory you miss the most: Going to the trailer park with morgan, surfing with beans, grammas with val
41. Family member you wish the mafia would kill: Well shes not family but NICOLE!
42. Memory you wish you had: make out with CALIFORNIA
43. What you did yesterday:Mall, shopping spree, abigails with family
44. What you did so far today: peed, showered, played video games, talked to alyssa and val
45. Last person you talked to on the phone: val
46. Last person you talked to online: val
47. Last movie you've seen: SECRET WINDOW [ofcourse a jd movie]
48. Last song you heard on the radio: Clocks[what else]
49. Last CD you played: Peter pan soundtrack
50. Last thing you said out loud: you dont know what this is do ya?
51. Last time you showered: this morning
52. Last book you read: My fathers dragon
54. Last time you sang: im singin now!
55. Last time you danced: like just now
56. Last thing you ate/drank:girl scout thin mints with tea
57. Aliens: are gonna take me away
58. Angels: yes i have one
59. Demons: are living in that girls head
60. Heaven & Hell: good or bad
61. God: exsists
62. Your friends: are the best people in the world!!
64. Best friend(s): Meliss, morg, val, rox, bean, stepho, alyss,
65. Last friend you talked to: online-val phone-val
66. Funniest: mel, val, moo, roo
67. Silliest: val, morgan
68. Loudest: val
70. Stupidest: val, lmao
71. Sweetest: RoxAnnE
72. Weirdest: val
73. Best at keeping secrets:val[bc she doesnt talk to any of my friends]
74. Most hyper: MORGAN
75. Most annoying: colleen
76. Friend you miss most: AMANDA
77. Friend you've known the longest: morgan...melissa
78. Friend you haven't known long: steph
Word Association
79. Bill Clinton: sexual relations
80. Lollipops: sex
81. Whipped Cream: sex, pudding
82. Dreams: CHRIS,
83. Love: i wish
85. Guys: should fuck me!
86. Girls: should disinagrate
87. Death: fear
88. Bubble gum: yum
89. Water: evian, mermaids
90. Ice Cream: morgan
91. Oil: car
92. Phone:val
93. Food: val
94. Kiss: chris :X
95. Pretzels: saltay
96. Britney Spears: toxic yo
97. School: time
98. Floppy: dick
99. Shoes: I have like 1 pair...
Have you ever
100. Been on a plane: nope
101. Cried in public: i duno
102. Climbed a tree: lots
103. Gotten in a physical fight: MADONNNNNNNNNNA!
104. Drank alcohol: lmao yea
105. Fell asleep in a movie theater: never
106. Driven a car: sure
107. Been arrested: in bed for bein DangEroUS OWOW!
108. Broken curfew: dont have one...
109. Been pulled over when driving: obvisously not if i dont drive
110. Farted in public: yea
111. Met a celebrity: maybe...dont remember
112. Cut a class: sure
113. Went to a pro sports game: mets, fgr skating
114. Met the president: no why would i want to
115. Been scared to get shot: yes
116. Smoke a cigarette: nope
117. Gotten a cavity: yea, but i got porcelin fillings
118. Done any drugs: nope
119. Shopped at Abercrombie & Fitch:my wardrobe.
120. Gone skinny-dipping: FREE SWIMS VAL!....me and morg grew up naked
121. Food: Thanksgiving, vals moms special, pasta
122. Drink: ice tea
123. TV show: south park
124. Movie: jd movies....wow im tired...goonies
125. CD:um...
126. Song: clocks-coldplay
127. Color: pink, green, brown
128. Day of the week: whenever i have school, i see my love
129. Month: summer, spring, winter autumn
130. Number:2,23
132. Favorite Car: my car, porsche carerra
133. Cookie: thin mint
134. Toothpaste: crest sparkles
135. Ice Cream: cookie dough
137. Candy bar: york
138. TV channel: w/e has johnny on it, E!
139. Radio station: 106.1 BLI, 100.3 101.3
140. Artist/band: Maroon 5, COLDPLAY!
141. Shampoo/conditioner:Tresseme
143. Website: www.abercrombie.com, livejournal.com, johnnydeppfan.com
144. Sports to play: Tennis, Figure Skating, Horseback riding, surfing
145. Sports to watch: all the above besides HBRing
146. Place: anywhere with friends
147. Vacation spot: france....europe...Corse
148. Kind of candle: uck
149. Color eyes: Honey brown
Do You
150. Smoke? no
151. Do drugs? no.
152. Drink? sure.
153. Have sex? yeah all the time....;)
154. Sleep with stuffed animals? yes :P
155. Have a crush? CALI
156. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Johnny is my HubBiE
157. Have a dream that keeps coming back? CALIFORNIA! BOB!
158. Play an instrument?piano, flute
159. Read the newspaper?yeha
160. Have any gay or lesbian friends? i dont think so....but i lOVE gay guys
161. Believe in miracles? I beleive in miracles, since you came along, you sexy thang
162. Believe it's possible to remain faithful? yeah, pretty much
163. Consider yourself tolerant of others? yes no doubt
164. Consider police a friend or foe? hmm, not sure
165. Like the taste of alcohol? chruch wine
166. Have a fav Stooge? curly bc val says so
167. Believe in astrology? sure...
168. Believe in magic? O, O its magic, You knowwwww
169. Pray? yes FOR JOHNNAY!
170. Go to church? yea
171. Have any hobbies? FIgure skating, shopping, surfing, Horseys, Tennis
173. Go to or plan to go to college? Have no idea, but i think ima go to college...
174. Talk to strangers who instant message you? yea they make me laugh
175. Wear hats?not really i got to much hair
176. Have any piercings? ears...maybe belly button when i get a bit thinner like next summer
177. Have any tattoos? nah, but hoping for a pirate sign on my ankle...lol
178. Hate yourself? NO! hate my legs, now thats different
179. Wish on stars? the second star to the right and straight on till morning
180. Like your handwriting? it always changes
181. Have any bad habits? mmm....prolly dont notice em...always a bit to confident in myself..
182. Have a second family? GRUBERS ring a bell? and i feel like i know melissas house like a pirate..:p
183. Trust others easily? sometimes
184. Like sarcasm? NO!....
185. Take walks in the rain? ROXY!!!!!!!! MORGAN!!!!!!! VALERIE!!!!!!!!
186. Kiss with your eyes closed?id like to kiss someone and see first....its been a while
187. Sing in the shower?hahaha low tho so no one can hear me...unless im at vals!!!