(no subject)

Jun 05, 2005 22:48

this weekend was good and bad....
- friday i was supposed to be with my mom but i ended up being with my dad??! wich means no amc for me:( which sucked but i ended up going to natalis house and we went swimming and stuff it was cool. saturday i had a softball game early same shit came home and me and jessica decided to hang out. we went to the mall with andrew and his two friends. after that we went to jessicas house and did alot of prank phone calls taled to people and went on the computer and stuff like that. but it really sucks beacuse i kinda just starting likeing this guy but i dont think he likes me!! it was kinda wired i couldnt stop thinking about him...well i hope he changes his mind! at like 1 i fell asleep on jessicas bed backwards it was funny. we woke up at like 730 i think? and went to this baseball thingy we did snack shack and admision table we were the "KEEPERS OF THE GATE" *WTFwe came home around 8 and yea.that was my weekend<333

*oh and if your the anonomys person who commented...i just want to tell you to go and fuck yourself got it? YEA WHAT NOW..oh im gonna pop a cap a cap in your ass gangster style (haha)
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