It Cannot Wait, I'm Yours

Apr 11, 2009 12:50

How can someone smile like there's no tomorrow while being dragged by a giant guy? I just can't understand Onew. Oh well, he has his Almighty Onew Sangtae and that's something that I don't possess.

Oh and is someone on my f-list experienced playing Dream Day Wedding? I'm currently playing the Honeymoon edition, and last night, here's the list:

Just look at the encircled word. XDDDD

Oh and matjnatk uploaded an Arashi chibi video and I was laughing at how much Jun changed in less than a decade. During their debut, he said he want to be Comedy Leader which of course never happened because he's now a Do S. And looking at it, their faces didn't change much but it's evident that they're not that "glued" together when they just debuted. Which for some twist of fate,eventually,  they became very close. XDDD And I somewhat saved an Arashi secret on je_secrets .

Yes, and that's exactly what is Arashi's charm for me. They can inspire people to go on with their lives and do better. If it wasn't for them, I will not have a more positive outlook on life and Sho's the one keeping me to go on with my studies. Uh-oh, here comes my bias again. :))


28th reason: Daiki is being bullied by Yamada.

Ah~ Yamadai. They're one of my closet OTP's. Just don't let Yamada be alone or else, I will have this, "Yamada dislike mode" again. Anyway, being bullied is not good, I know but the fact he's okay being chummy with someone younger and all, I find it very funny. That's go to show that he can really relate good with other people regardless of what their age is.

Did I make sense? Oh well, I gotta go! XDDD

chibi, daiki, jun as comedy leader?, daiki reason, arashi, onew sangtae, je, sm

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