Apr 12, 2009 15:55
Thank you to the person, or bunny, who made the card outside my door! That was really sweet.
I didn't realize it was so close to Easter, I've really lost track of time here. If I had I would have tried to do some kind of Easter egg hunt for the children here. Even if some of them don't understand Easter or what it is it would have been fun for them I'm sure. I'll try and see if I can figure something out. It'll be late, but still, it'll be good for the little kids here.
After all the murders and bad things again, things slowly seem to settle down. It's a bit upsetting that I'm getting use to all the violence... I know it's a daily thing back home, but... here it's just so much closer to everyone.
Every body just keep safe, okay?
(Locked to Doctors)
I'm sorry, I know I asked this a little while back, but is there a doctor who could take my chip out? If you need a reason why I can explain to you if you'd be interested. Things keep happening with the police here and I just know I could be of help. I'd really like to.
egg hunt for kids?,