Dec 02, 2004 21:13
okay, well today was pretty rockin, i did this huge thing for meghan's birthday. it was very fun. i hava chem test tomorrow and im kinda stressing about that... ugh right now jeremy is trying to explain this one problem to me and i just dont get it because what he's saying just can't be right because it doesn't follow logic for me (no offence jeremy, i just don't get it) AHH. well... its official.. my mom will be helping me die my hair brown on saturday morning.... goodbye blonde.. god im scared because people are being really bitchy about they way they think it's gunna turn out (except for chelsea, cain, val and lexa) ppl are acting like its gunna look like shit.. well ppl.. its my natural color... so get over it. UGH. well i think im just stressed because jeremy- i don't get it, and no offence, im starting to get pissed... i should go before i yell... bye